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Example sentences for "bollard"

Lexicographically close words:
bolice; bolide; bolides; boliviano; boll; bolls; bolo; bolometer; bolos; bolsa
  1. As there was no ice to endanger the boat, the line was put several times around the bollard head and kept very tight, so we were towed much faster than if it had been loose.

  2. As the fish was well fastened, it was safe to snub the line around the bollard head of the boat; there was no fear of the irons drawing and it made a heavy drag on the whale.

  3. The line, in running out, passes through the hands of the har-pooner before going around the bollard head.

  4. The bollard head, around which a turn of the line is taken, is an important structure; it stands in the bow, beside the gun.

  5. Many a boat has gone down through the line fouling at the bollard head.

  6. As we passed the fast boat we saw her jack flying proudly and her bow enveloped in smoke as McKechnie tightened the line around the bollard head.

  7. Roger Bollard repeated what he had before said.

  8. Bollard remarked that he was afraid all the other boats had gone down.

  9. Mr Bollard will have gained an appetite for his.

  10. If man can help them, Harry Shafto and Bollard will do it.

  11. At length they got near enough to distinguish Bollard and his companions, who had come down to the beach to assist them.

  12. Meantime, Captain Westerway had not forgotten the party at the settlement, and sent up Mr Bollard in the cutter, laden with some of the provisions which had been saved.

  13. Come, marm," said Mr Bollard to Mrs Clagget.

  14. As soon as several trees were felled, Harry, leaving Bollard and two of the men to cut more, with the rest of the party carried them up the hill.

  15. Saying this, Bollard started up, Paul Lizard following him.

  16. The term is synonymous with bollard timbers.

  17. He was propped against a bollard and he was in his shore-going clothes.

  18. They went to another bollard and there, the mariner anchoring himself, she began to talk.

  19. As she passed the hawsers came with her, transferred from bollard to bollard by gangs of staggering men.

  20. The bollard snapped with a dead, dull sound; I was entangled in the stout twine, and tossed into the sea.

  21. He nearly swamped the launch, and the friction of the bollard threatened to set it ablaze.

  22. They were clinging, side by side, to an iron bollard fastened to the deck; for the smack was leaning over so that her deck sloped like the roof of a house.

  23. He sits down on the bollard in dudgeon].

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bollard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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