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Example sentences for "bright light"

  • Look steadily at a bright light for a moment or two, and then turn away suddenly, or shut the eyes.

  • Place a person in front of a bright light opposite a window, and let him look at the light; or place one's self opposite a well-illuminated mirror.

  • The baby's attention to a bright light represents a native interest; the older child's fixing his eyes on a dark brown piece of chocolate represents an acquired interest which has developed in a way that is easy to understand.

  • Look in the direction of a bright light, such as an electric light, holding the hand as a screen before the eyes, so that you do not see the light.

  • To distinguish the Bell Rock Light from others on the coast, as noticed at page 401, it is made to revolve, and to exhibit periodically a bright light of the natural appearance, alternating with a red coloured light.

  • A; a] for the eyes to squint in bright light.

  • One night an angel appearing in great glory, filled the prison with a bright light, and bade St. Felix go and assist his bishop, who was in great distress.

  • His sanctity in this public station shone forth with a bright light.

  • Dirck did not answer, until we had trotted twenty rods; for by this time the pipe was at work, and the moment that smoke was seen he kept his eye on it, until he saw a bright light in front of his nose.

  • While two sides of the buildings, including that of the meadows, or the one on which an assault could alone be successful, were in bright light, the court still remained sufficiently dark to answer all the purposes of defence.

  • Man in his glory stood upright, And showed the stars his kingly face; His speaking glance the sun's bright light Blessed in the realms sublime of space.

  • Before truth causes her triumphant light to penetrate into the depths of the heart, poetry intercepts her rays, and the summits of humanity shine in a bright light, while a dark and humid night still hangs over the valleys.

  • Illustration: He now saw with a terrified shudder that there was a bright light on the stairs, and perceived Cornelius, in his old dalmatic, carrying his lamp.

  • For some time he got on very well, keeping strictly to the path, but suddenly, some little way up the mountain to his right, there flashed out a bright light.

  • She used to wear a shade whenever she was in a bright light, and she was forbidden to read, or to sew, or to do anything which called for much seeing.

  • But at last he turned to where Tregelly was waving the great firebrand, which shed a bright light around.

  • A mock sun appearing in the form of a bright light, sometimes near the sun, and tinged with colors like the rainbow, and sometimes opposite to the sun.

  • A variety of opal which is usually milk white, bluish white, or sky blue; but in a bright light it reflects a reddish color.

  • It was the second act, the moonlight octette, if I am not mistaken, when I saw on the left hand side behind the proscenium arch a bright light.

  • There was no fire, but a woman who had seen a bright light on the stage thought there was, and her cries caused a stampede that resulted in twenty-four deaths.

  • About ten feet from the front of the fly gallery I saw a bright light.

  • There is usually a bright light on the same side as the voice.

  • On the other hand it is manifest that visions of a bright light and 'auditions' of voices are common enough phenomena in madness, and in the experiences of very uninspired sane men and women.

  • She heard the voice from the right side, towards the church, and seldom heard it without seeing a bright light.

  • In baking, it turns of a bright light brown, and is lighter than bread made after the common process, and therefore I consider the knowledge of it serviceable to the emigrant's family.

  • The leaves of this plant are of a bright light green, in shape like the raspberry, to which it bears in some respects so great a resemblance (though it is not shrubby or thorny) that I have called it the "trailing raspberry.

  • Three lamps on the writing-table threw a bright light on the old man and his surroundings, while the physician, who had thrown himself on a couch in a corner of the large room, remained in the dark.

  • As a deer went past, the youth shot an arrow, and the reaction of the force necessary to shoot the arrow made the turban of his head fall off, on which a bright light, like that of the moon, was seen shining on his forehead.

  • It was in the third loft; there was a bright light in it; and a low voice was heard as that of a woman saying something in a humdrum manner.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bright light" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    angled triangle; bright blue; bright colors; bright colours; bright crimson; bright green; bright lines; bright little; bright lookout; bright orange; bright rose; bright smile; bright spot; bright sunshine; but too; contemporary writer; family names; glanced round; great assistance; long continued; lord said; sacred duty; that nation; used also; whose existence; wild bells