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Example sentences for "brode"

Lexicographically close words:
brochure; brochures; brocoli; brod; brodder; broder; broderie; brodyr; brogan; brogans
  1. Thanne was ther a wight With two brode eighen, Book highte that beau-peere, A bold man of speche; "By Goddes body!

  2. Beggeris and bidderis Of my breed craven, Faitours and freres, 8510 And folk with brode crounes.

  3. Our kynge was grete above his cole, A brode hat on his crowne, Ryght as he were abbot-lyke, They rode up into the towne.

  4. He toke out the brode targe, And sone he lete hym se; Robyn coud his courteysy, And set hym on his kne.

  5. And lay an apple upon hys head, And go syxe score paces hym fro, And I my selfe with a brode arow Shall cleve the apple in two.

  6. There he drew out fayre brode arrowe, Hys bowe was great and longe, He set that arrowe in his bowe, That was both styffe and stronge.

  7. The blood out of the wounde as brode sterte As water, whan the conduit broken is.

  8. The dawening up-rist out of the see; This amorous quene chargeth her meynee The nettes dresse, and speres brode and kene; 1190 An hunting wol this lusty fresshe quene; So priketh her this newe Ioly wo.

  9. Nym eyren wyth al the wyte and myse bred and schepys [2] talwe as gret as dyses [3] grynd peper and safroun and cast therto and do hit in the schepis wombe seth it wel and dresse it forthe of brode leches thynne.

  10. Nym flowre and eyryn and grynd peper and safroun and mak therto a batour and par aplyn and kyt hem to brode penys [2] and kest hem theryn and fry hem in the batour wyth fresch grees and serve it forthe.

  11. The kyng blyschit on the beryne (man) with his brode eghne.

  12. And (he) bownnes over a brode mede With breth (anger) at his herte.

  13. His browes bresed as breres aboute his brode chekes; [Sidenote: His eyes were hollow, and grey as the kite’s.

  14. Here was Willm̃ Brode and brought in an answere agaynste the complaynt of Edward Saunders for lykeninge hym to Esoppes dogge and they were appoynted to be ffrends and to brynge the matter no more in question.

  15. Euro(TM) 959 aEuro~There lyeth a gyaunte here besyde, For all this londe brode and wyde No man on lyue leueth he.

  16. The roll is written in Norman French, of which the following passage may be given as an example:-- "La ont meinte riche garnement Brode sur cendeaus et samis Meint beau penon en lance mis Meint baniere desploie.

  17. Cockole hath a large smal [sic] leafe and wyll beare v or vi floures purple colloure as brode as a grote, and the sede is rounde and blacke.

  18. But how brode sheweth the errour and the folye of yow men, that wenen that any thing may ben aparailed with straunge aparailements!

  19. By my fathers soule, Hodge, if I shoulde now be sworne, I can not chuse but say thy breech is foule betorne, 10 But the next remedye in such a case and hap Is to plaunche on a piece as brode as thy cap.

  20. Nay, ich thanke God, chil not for al that thou maist spend That chad one scab on my narse as brode as thy fingers end.

  21. There is an other sort that is more brode than these, which they call Lanteas, and carie eight ores on a side, with sixe men at euerie ore.

  22. In this sea of sande we traueiled the journey of three days and nightes: this is a great brode plaine, all couered with white sande, in maner as small as floure.

  23. For cryeng of the men, Forther wold not Tyb then, Tyl scho had hur brode hen, Set in hur lap.

  24. This great house, adjoining to the garden aforesaid, stretcheth to the north corner of Brode street, and then turneth up Brode street all that side to and beyond the east end of the said Friars church.

  25. This Scalding wike is the farthest west part of Brode street ward, and is by the water called Walbrook parted from Cheap ward.

  26. Next is Brode lane, for that the same is broader for the passage of carts from the Vintrie wharf, than be the other lanes.

  27. The one half of this Finke lane is of Brode street ward, to wit, on the west side up to the great and principal house wherein the said Finke dwelt; but on the other side, namely the east, not so much towards Cornhill.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.