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Example sentences for "bucketfuls"

Lexicographically close words:
buckboard; buckboards; bucked; bucket; bucketful; buckets; buckett; buckeye; buckeyes; bucking
  1. The rain never ceased: bucketfuls and bucketfuls came drenching down.

  2. My mates and I might have gathered bucketfuls of them: we did gather about a bucketful.

  3. My mates and I might have gathered bucketfuls of them, scraping with our hands.

  4. And the final bucketfuls were hurled in through the window of the Orange Lodge, just where they were needed most, as Jimmy and his five made their escape.

  5. Men that could face bullets, knives, and death, were dismayed, defeated, and routed by these baffling bucketfuls and the amazing precision of the squirting pump.

  6. Towards sunset rain came down once more in bucketfuls and lasted the entire night, the water dripping from our hammocks as it would from a small cascade.

  7. When we got up the next morning, dripping all over, with water still pouring down in bucketfuls upon us from above, Benedicto said that if it went on much longer like that he should surely turn into a fish.

  8. The two bucketfuls answered for four of them, and by the time he returned to the water hole Hi had two more bucketfuls ready for him.

  9. The ponies were thirsty again, and it required several bucketfuls to satiate thirst, after which everything fillable was filled with water.

  10. Dee say he drink six water-bucketfuls and hit run down he guzzle sizzlin’ jes like po’in’ ’t on hot stove.

  11. Some of them had said that they had just come from hell to warn them, and they had drunk bucketfuls of water, which the negroes could hear “sizzling” as it ran down their throats.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bucketfuls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.