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Example sentences for "buckboard"

Lexicographically close words:
buccaneering; buccaneers; buccra; buchu; buck; buckboards; bucked; bucket; bucketful; bucketfuls
  1. The buckboard driver was still snoring over in his corner.

  2. We three, leaving the buckboard bloke putting his horses in, went across the clearing and through my scrub to Terry's place, getting soaked to the waist en route in the dew-laden grass.

  3. Nobody had a buckboard in those days, and I couldn't ride a horse.

  4. Old Buckboard whipped his nags to a canter, and got back in less than the quarter-hour.

  5. I stopped overnight at the pub and made arrangements for my multitudinous baggage to go out by six-horse buckboard next day.

  6. The panting prads dragged us up innumerable hills, and slid on their haunches down the succeeding pinch, with the buckboard skidding from side to side of the road after them.

  7. One of the boys went over to the station an' got two wagon sheets and some blankets, an' when the buckboard came we rolled 'em up as carefully an' softly as we could.

  8. Nearly all the members of Doctor Tucker's congregation took turns inviting Bettie to ride in anything from a buckboard to an omnibus.

  9. Two young men that drove up in a buckboard to spend the day fishing in our river--Mr. Saunders sent some letters by them.

  10. I snapped the blacksnake over the ponies' ears, and they strung themselves out like a brace of coyotes, nearly pulling the buckboard out from under us.

  11. The ponies were snorting and pulling grass, the buckboard bouncing behind 'em like a rubber ball, and we were crowding into the teeth of the northwest wind, which made it seem as if we were travelling 100 per cent.

  12. But Bruce could not agree with Merriwell, and Moslof, laughing, said that Browning should not leave the buckboard till he was safely on the top of Battie.

  13. When the buckboard was loaded the driver cracked his whip over the four handsome horses, and away they went through town, up over Harbor Hill and along the street that led toward the foot of the mountains.

  14. The distance between himself and the buckboard was not great, and he saw that it was occupied by two women--one of them the woman whom he had met at the foot of the stairs leading to Warden's office.

  15. Michael, the Hottentot, turned the buckboard off the road, headed toward the distant quarry, and charged at full speed!

  16. You must imagine us driving out the gate in a buckboard behind four small but lively white Abyssinian mules.

  17. McMillan's cordiality was not to be denied, however, so the very next day found us tucking ourselves into a buckboard behind four white Abyssinian mules.

  18. He was the youth who had driven the buckboard over for the doctor on the eventful Monday morning.

  19. Shortly, a buckboard drove up to the gate, and its occupant, a washed out looking youth, enquired if the doctor was there, Dr.

  20. When the unfortunate day rolled around I straddled the buckboard and lit out for Whisky Crossing, twenty miles to the east, it being the nearest burg on the stage line.

  21. I sort of figured that it would tell us when to hitch up to the buckboard and go after him.

  22. It's my buckboard and my horses, and you ride with me if you will.

  23. With an oath Riles jumped from his buckboard and struck a savage blow at the frank labourer, but years of hardship in the fields had taken greater toll than he guessed.

  24. The suggestion of the man who knocked him into the wheel of the buckboard stayed with him almost as tenaciously as the scar he then received.

  25. They drove home through the darkness, the hired man so tired with three days and nights of bumping in a slat-seated colonist car that he would have fallen out of the buckboard had Riles not held him in.

  26. The buckboard swung close to the foot of the slope below him, and he eagerly scrutinized the occupants, his gaze lingering long on the girl on the seat beside the driver.

  27. The buckboard had stopped at the edge of the water, and the blacks were drinking.

  28. He urged the pony on through the water to the buckboard and drew up beside the girl.

  29. Returning to the rear of the buckboard he unfastened the rope, coiled it, and rode to the bank, catching the blacks and leading them up the slope beyond where the girl, her aunt and uncle stood.

  30. This movement threw him off his balance, and he slipped off the seat, clawing and scrambling; at the instant the front of the buckboard dipped and sank, disappearing with a splash into the muddy water.

  31. The buckboard could not be moved without endangering the comfort of the remaining occupants, and without assistance they must inevitably stay where they were.

  32. The buckboard traveled its length--then lurched into a rut and refused to move another foot, in spite of the straining of the pony and its rider's urgings.

  33. Dave moved on to meet them, and those in the buckboard remained deathly still.

  34. She might disapprove her niece's going, she might resent the sudden call on her husband, but she would see them both amply fed before starting, and that the buckboard was well provisioned for the road.

  35. A few minutes later the rattle of buckboard wheels sounded outside, and before Betty could reply Dave took the opportunity of going to the door.

  36. Mason's going to hook the buckboard up for me and fetch Truscott along.

  37. I've no doubt that buckboard will be somewhere around.

  38. The buckboard rocked and the driver, in the act of shouting at his horses, felt himself seized by the throat from behind.

  39. He intends to 'jump' their buckboard and team--I mean these strikers' buckboard.

  40. The perfect mountain calm was unbroken; even the speeding horses and the rattle of his buckboard were powerless to disturb that stupendous quiet.

  41. Dave watched Mason conduct his prisoner into the office, then he sprang into the buckboard and drove it across to the barn.

  42. Parson'll have my buckboard and the black team.

  43. Amidst a murmur of approval the buckboard was drawn up, and not without tremendous pain Dave scrambled up into the driving-seat.

  44. The buckboard belonged to the stranger, and he was about to use it.

  45. Then they looked at the buckboard with its panting horses, and Mason standing in the carryall, one hand on the reins and one resting on the revolver on his hip.

  46. The buckboard was on the ridge shouldering a wide valley, and below it was the rushing torrent of the Red Sand River.

  47. Those in the buckboard saw that many of the men were carrying the tools of their calling, prominent among them being the deadly peavey, than which, in case of trouble, no weapon could be more dangerous at close quarters.

  48. I'll need the buckboard and team in an hour.

  49. None cared to ride in the buckboard long as there was a horse to ride.

  50. Here they were greeted vociferously by Buckboard Bill, who had retired from driving a skeleton stage and established the only place where horses or vehicles might be hired.

  51. Glendon's goin' to get into heaps of trouble if he ain't more careful," stated Buckboard to Limber.

  52. Amity, standing up defiantly and refusing to get into the buckboard and start on the way.

  53. In a few minutes more the three were crowded in upon the seat of the buckboard and Rachel stood in the kitchen doorway watching them drive off.

  54. The consequence was, one fore-wheel struck sharply in the middle of the boulder, and brought the buckboard to an unexpected stop.

  55. Of course, the violent halt sent the occupants of the buckboard suddenly forward, so that Mrs. James unceremoniously struck Amity in the back and caused him to lose his breath.

  56. The two storekeepers were left standing on the steps watching the buckboard pass out of sight.

  57. But the words were disconnected because of the incessant bouncing of the buckboard along the dried mud and over large stones imbedded in it.

  58. So he jumped into the buckboard and started the horse across the bridge without waiting for Rachel to get in.

  59. Now the containers were lifted up and placed securely on the back and front platforms of the buckboard and the two hard-working companions gladly sat down on the seat and started Bob up the grass-grown road.

  60. When it was proposed that someone go for the leaf-mould, Natalie instantly suggested that they drive Bob to the woodland so the baskets could be placed on the buckboard and carried to the garden that way.

  61. Amity remembered he had not been paid, so he grumblingly transferred the bags from the buckboard to the steps, then held out his hand for his payment.

  62. He would reason that the draw was so close to the buckboard she must have slipped into it.

  63. They traveled the first hundred yards tied in a knot, the buckboard sometimes on four wheels, but more often on two.

  64. There was one wild moment when she thought of slipping down to the buckboard and trying to escape in it.

  65. You come right along back to the buckboard an' I'll let you off the lickin' this time.

  66. Espirition, the Mexican, who had been sent forty miles in a buckboard from the Espinosa Ranch to fetch it, returned with a shrugging shoulder and hands empty except for a cigarette.

  67. We've saved a seat in the buckboard for you.

  68. Tonia flew into the buckboard like a bird.

  69. He walked around the buckboard and his eyes fell upon the doctor.

  70. As Shock turned back to his buckboard he found Ike waiting him.

  71. Up come beeg feller on buckboard on noder side.

  72. The contrast between the two men in the buckboard was striking.

  73. Now and then as he walked along the trail he turned and looked after the buckboard heading toward the southern horizon, but never once did his missionary look back.

  74. After vain efforts to wake him, without more ado Shock lifted him in his arms, carried him out to the buckboard and drove away, followed by the jibes and compliments of the astonished crowd.

  75. Nobody laughed, not even after the yellow-wheeled buckboard with its strangely assorted pair of passengers had sped from sight toward the county seat and a legal adjustment of still another mortgage on the Bolton acres.

  76. The horse goes through because he's got to, and the buckboard follows unless the harness breaks.

  77. And those beasts on the buckboard were simply howling with laughter.

  78. Hence, at the time, the buckboard must have been the property of Mr. Saltoun.

  79. She done hired a buckboard an' drove back to the Bar S.

  80. As he crossed the street, a buckboard drawn by two sweating, dust-caked ponies rattled past him and stopped in front of the Judge's office.

  81. Say, Mike, don't forget to order them collars for my buckboard harness.

  82. In front of the Blue Pigeon Store a buckboard was standing.

  83. Pa and the rest of us sat in the buckboard while the Indians began to feast on something cooking in a shack.

  84. A man with a horse and a buckboard persuaded us to give him twenty-five cents each to take us two miles up the St. Alphonse River to see the salmon jump.

  85. A buckboard upon such a road does not conduce to a continuous flow of animal spirits.

  86. I found some remnant of the old enthusiasm still in me when I sprang from the buckboard that afternoon and saw the strange river rushing by.

  87. Will you order the buckboard for ten, dear?

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buckboard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.