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Example sentences for "still another"

  • Still another version of this historic incident is to be found in Houghton's Collection, 1698.

  • In still another type of machine, the hulling takes place between steel ribs on an internal cylinder, and an adjustable knife, or hulling blade, in front of the machine.

  • Still another tradition (was the wish father to the thought?

  • In one of the regions from which they take their source a tree disease may cause a decline; in another, a hurricane may lay the industry low at one quick stroke; and in still another, a rival crop may drain away the life-blood of capital.

  • There is still another, a fourth criterion upheld by religionists and metaphysicians who say that the source and channel of all human penetration into the unknown is through inspiration.

  • Still another brotherhood or fraternity is that which arises from racial unity, the oneness of racial origin, producing ties of affinity and association.

  • As I have said already, it is still another of our difficult national question-marks in which the old, old problem of States' rights again shows its disagreeable face.

  • There also is still another side to this vexed shop situation, and it too is a big side.

  • Recreation is still another sphere of civic life wherein the City of Halifax has taken a forward step.

  • Still another, a railroad man, driven to despair by loneliness and loss, his wife and children having perished, attempted to follow them in death.

  • Still another indication of interest in child welfare is the fact that a clinic for babies was established in a central locality and a nurse for babies regularly employed.

  • Prepare yourself to hear that there is still another kind, not only taller than this, but one that grows to the prodigious height of a hundred feet!

  • But there is still another individual in the train of the plant-hunter-- the guide, Ossaroo.

  • Still another implement he carried up the tree--his long knife.

  • Still another article he required, but both it and the goat had been "bespoke" at an earlier hour of the day, and were waiting his orders.

  • Back of the manufacturer and the contractor there is still another sweater,--the public.

  • There is still another alternative to either keeping them out or keeping them in the city, namely, to ship them away after they have reached the slum and been stranded there, individually or in squads.

  • Still another sunrise, and the people of Bristol were treated to a spectacle different from any that had preceded, or they had ever witnessed.

  • Beside this, still another face in retirement, which many admired as much as either--Sabrina's.

  • Others add two other stages, namely: 1, Gabriel in the form of still another man, 2, God showing himself personally in dream.

  • On still another occasion, it was given to Saint Teresa to see and understand in what wise the Mother of God had been assumed into her place in Heaven.

  • Going westward from 60 to 70 miles, still another fault is found, known as the Hurricane Ledge Fault.

  • Still another enters in the angle between the canyon below and the side canyon first mentioned; so that three side canyons enter at the same point.

  • Mrs. Manners he greeted in one way, Mr. Marmaduke in another, and Mr. Walpole in still another.

  • The operation of the laws of nature had sent a man to the ground: another combination of circumstances would have killed him, still another, and he would have arisen unhurt.

  • Raising her eyes to the chancel she studied his head, and found in it still another expression of that race, the history of which had been one of protest, of development of its own character and personality.

  • There is still another, a fourth criterion, upheld by religionists and metaphysicians who say that the source and channel of all human penetration into the unknown is through inspiration.

  • One advanceth rapidly, another is slow in catching the rays of culture, still another remaineth in the lowest degree of stupidity.

  • Still another pair of eyes go after him, giving glances in which pride and fear are strangely commingled.

  • Then only coming to a stop perforce at sight of still another party of palefaces there to confront them.

  • And while they are deliberating on the best course to be pursued, still another puff of smoke shoots up over the mesa, similar to that preceding, but at a different point.

  • Still another cheer, as the battery of mountain howitzers rolls in and takes its place in the line.

  • For example, he had carefully explained that his marriage bound him to the republic by still another tie.

  • Larger rooms were provided for his toilet; and he studied where he recited, in still another suite.

  • Feeling his health somewhat restored, and despairing of further progress in the settlement of his well-worn claim by legal methods, he had determined on still another journey of solicitation to Versailles.

  • In still another place he refers to the proletariat of Paris as "the modern Satan, the great rebel, vanquished, but not pacified.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "still another" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    foure hundred; free flight; her manner; lying between; obtained mercy; pound them; reminded them; still called; still exists; still found; still future; still have; still holding; still known; still less; still life; still looking; still others; still possess; still remained; still remains; still standing; still the; still upon; still very; term growth