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Example sentences for "calc"

Lexicographically close words:
calamitous; calamity; calamus; calash; calashes; calcaire; calcaneum; calcar; calcareous; calcarine
  1. When a prism of arragonite is heated it breaks up into the rhombs of common calc spar, at a temperature far below that at which the carbonate of lime is decomposed; but no alteration of temperature can convert calc spar into arragonite.

  2. This property, Dimorphism, is very strikingly shown in carbonate of lime, which occurs in rhombohedrons, in calc spar, and in rhombic prisms in arragonite.

  3. In Iceland spar and calc spar, sometimes called dog-tooth spar, we have two transparent crystalline forms of this same substance.

  4. Among these may be mentioned cordierite and sillimanite gneisses, andalusite and kyanite mica schists, and those schistose calc silicate rocks which are known as cipolins.

  5. Rose's observation on the formation (by the slow diffusion of solutions of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate) of aragonite from dilute, and of calc spar from strong, solutions is easily understood from this point of view.

  6. It may therefore be supposed that calc spar presents the form corresponding with a low temperature, and aragonite with a higher temperature during crystallisation.

  7. A cellular calc tufa, which in some places forms incrustations on the stems of plants, -- formerly supposed to have the quality of uniting fractured bones.

  8. Hæmatite, in minute chocolate-coloured hemispherical masses, also in an almost continual film containing the calc spar and other minerals with a coppery sheen.

  9. It differs, perhaps, as I have before explained, from magnesite in containing lime besides magnesia, and from calc spar by the vice versa.

  10. This mineral, identical in composition with calc spar, but whose crystalline form is entirely different, occurs in this locality in veins hardly recognizable from the magnesite or dolomite, and running into dolomite.

  11. The explanation was simple, Brad laughed dryly: A good one-quarter of his load of crated inter-calc audio retention banks had rammed through the hull and floated into space.

  12. After I saw I was drifting off, I worked my way well into the bracing between the crate and the inter-calc unit so I couldn't be seen through the broken sections of the box.

  13. A contract with West Cluster meant a good deal more than the face value of the one shipment of inter-calc banks.

  14. The third cargo compartment, containing more crated inter-calc units, was the damaged one.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calc" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    calcareous earth; calcareous matter; calcareous spar; calcined magnesia; calcium carbide; calcium carbonate; calcium chloride; calcium oxide; calcium phosphate; calcium salts; calcium sulphate