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Example sentences for "calashes"

Lexicographically close words:
calamities; calamitous; calamity; calamus; calash; calc; calcaire; calcaneum; calcar; calcareous
  1. Orders had already been issued that the army should break up immediately after the funeral, and our calashes were ready.

  2. By the time Almayer had clambered over into the stern sheets, four calashes were in the boat and the oars were being passed over the taffrail.

  3. During one of those occurrences, while they were getting clear, one of the calashes said something to the others in a rapid whisper.

  4. Our party met a great many of these calashes coming into town, and bringing in loads of country people.

  5. The first class passengers in these calashes had seats in the chaise itself.

  6. The spring evenings were getting bright and long when three or four ladies in calashes met at Miss Barker's door.

  7. They usually meet for these purposes, either in the afternoon at the Siesta, or in the evening in calashes on the other side of the river, or in the great square of the city, where calashes meet in great numbers in the dusk.

  8. The spring evenings were getting bright and long, when three or four ladies in calashes met at Miss Barker's door.

  9. Some of our Calashes on deck swore to me that they had seen a red flash above the tree-tops.

  10. And what would poor calashes do, sons of peasants and fishermen, freshly caught--without knowledge?

  11. They are poor calashes without sense," commented Wasub with pitying superiority.

  12. One of the Calashes in my boat made out something red on one of them.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calashes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.