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Example sentences for "caparison"

Lexicographically close words:
capacious; capacitated; capacitie; capacities; capacity; caparisoned; caparisons; capataz; capax; capaz
  1. His caparison was of crimson velvet, all over-wrought with gold thread.

  2. Mitha Baba, the greatest female of the caravan, under her pale rose caparison and gold lacquered howdah with its curtains of frost-green, was beating the ground with angry feet and thrusting her head aside impatiently.

  3. The splendid armor of Don Juan and the sumptuous caparison of his steed rendered him a brilliant object of attack.

  4. He recognized Boabdil himself, by his splendid armor, the magnificent caparison of his steed, and the brilliant guard which surrounded him.

  5. As he drew near they perceived, by the flash of arms, that he was a warrior, and on nearer approach by the richness of his armor and the caparison of his steed they knew him to be a warrior of rank.

  6. And as it is the privilege and charm of beauty to win the heart and secure good-will, all forthwith became eager to show kindness and attention to the lovely Moor.

  7. The Caparison of the knightly steed appears to have been of five kinds.

  8. The caparison of the horses does not appear to be of a defensive construction; but an under-housing of gamboiserie or chain-work may perhaps in such cases be implied.

  9. It is a costume imposing and picturesque; while the caparison of his horse is in keeping with it.

  10. It is suggested that here it may be a caparison of leather: "shoes" seem out of place here.

  11. On approaching, his warlike eye could not but admire the perfect caparison of their arms, the strength and beauty of their steeds, and the steady discipline of their long and glittering line.

  12. The caparison of his Arabian steed was richly embroidered and swept the ground, and the proud animal pranced and sniffed the air, and neighed with joy at once more beholding the array of arms.

  13. Regardless of the animal's needs, he leaves all its caparison on, even to the bitt between its teeth.

  14. The caparison of his Arabian steed was richly embroidered and swept the ground, and the proud animal pranced and snuffed the air, and neighed with joy at once more beholding the array of arms.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caparison" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bit; blind; blinders; breeching; bridle; caparison; cinch; clothe; collar; costume; crupper; curb; decorate; disguise; embellish; equip; fit; furnishings; girth; habit; halter; harness; headgear; housing; lines; livery; masquerade; outfit; reins; rig; saddle; suit; tack; tackle; things; trappings; trim; tug; turnout; wardrobe; yoke