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Example sentences for "cariage"

Lexicographically close words:
carga; cargadores; cargo; cargoes; cari; cariages; caribou; caricature; caricatured; caricatures
  1. You shall haue some that carie corne to the Mosco, and some that fetch corne from thence, that at the least dwell a thousand miles off; and all their cariage is on sleds.

  2. He gart serwandes bide with the cariage still; Thai thocht to dawnt the Scottis at thar will.

  3. Ten scor thai wan of horss that cariage bure; With flour and wyne als mekill as thai mycht fur, And othir stuff that thai off Carleile led.

  4. They pay also to the pilot of the bark for his owne cariage one care, and to all the rest of the mariners amongst them 3.

  5. The report goeth also, that these were broght from thence, but by what ship on the sea, and cariage by land, I thinke few men can safelie imagine.

  6. The towne of it selfe is somewhat foule and durtie when anie raine falleth by reason of much cariage through the stréets, which are verie ill paued or rather not paued at all.

  7. The towne of it selfe is somewhat foule and durtie when anie raine falleth by reason of much cariage through the streets, which are verie ill paued or rather not paued at all.

  8. The horsemen also followed vs afarre off, and cut off as many sicke men as were not able to holde in marche, nor we had cariage for.

  9. And when they had done with one cariage in one place, they wheeled the same from one streete to an other.

  10. At Chester "these pagiantes or cariage was a highe place made like a house with two rowmes beinge open on ye tope: the lower rowme they apparrelled and dressed them selves; and in the higher rowme they played: and they stoode upon six wheeles.

  11. Item, the most parte off the sowdyors that went over with Sir Robert Green have leeff, and be comyn hom, the hyghe weye ffull; my cariage was behynd me ij.

  12. And the ii'de Cariage for ther Aparells and all outher ther Stuff and to have no mo Cariage allowed them but onely the said ii Cariages allowid theime.

  13. Outside they found a lovely cariage lined with olive green cushons to match the footman and the horses had green bridles and bows on their manes and tails.

  14. Ethel bowed gracefully over the door of the cariage and Mr S.

  15. Just then the cariage rolled into a beautifull drive with tall trees and big red flowers growing amid shiny dark leaves.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cariage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.