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Example sentences for "cari"

Lexicographically close words:
carfare; carga; cargadores; cargo; cargoes; cariage; cariages; caribou; caricature; caricatured
  1. With these victories Cari became very proud, and the news spread abroad.

  2. Cari and Sapana were, from that time, faithful vassals.

  3. When he approached Chucuito, Cari came forth with his principal men to receive him, and he was lodged and attentively served.

  4. Zapana was aware that Cari had been received well by Viracocha, and that he was expecting the Inca.

  5. To those who came on the part of Cari he said that they were to explain to the lord how he was preparing to come to his aid, and that he would soon be with him.

  6. After this victory Cari determined to continue his advance, and arrived at Luracachi, where it is said that he fought another battle, and was equally fortunate.

  7. But he could not do this so secretly as to prevent Cari from understanding the design of Zapana, and he retired in good order to Chucuito by an unfrequented road, so that Zapana could not molest him.

  8. Cari was equally spirited, and came out with his followers to a town called Paucar-colla.

  9. How Cari returned to Chucuito; of the arrival of the Inca Viracocha; and of the peace that was agreed to between them 136 CHAP.

  10. How Viracocha Inca passed by the province of the Canches and Canas, and marched until he entered the territory of the Collao, and of what happened between Cari and Zapana 133 CHAP.

  11. As soon as Zapana was dead, Cari took possession of his camp, and seized upon everything that was in it, with which he quickly returned to Chucuito.

  12. How Viracocha Inca passed by the provinces of the Canches and Canas, and marched until he entered the territory of the Collao, and of what happened between Cari and Zapana.

  13. Garcilasso de la Vega places this feud between the two great chiefs of the Collao, Cari and Sapana (or Chipana), in the reign of Ccapac Yupanqui, two generations earlier.

  14. He says that the names were those of dynasties, each sovereign becoming Cari or Sapana when he succeeded; adding that, “Cieza de Leon places these events long after the time when they really occurred.

  15. After it had lasted for a long time, Cari remained the victor, while Zapana and his people were defeated, with the death of many.

  16. There are large buildings here; and, before the chiefs were subjugated by the Yncas, they were very powerful, among whom the Indians mention two as the principal, named Cari and Yumalla.

  17. The Ynca made a treaty of peace with Cari at Chucuito, and intrigued so skilfully that he became lord of a great part of the Collao without fighting.

  18. We need not say we look upon him, as a great man, as a good man, as a beloved man,—quis desiderio sit pudor tam cari capitis?

  19. Quis desiderio sit aut pudor aut modus Tam cari capitis”— as that of “Rab.

  20. This book is small, that is Quining libro diutay man, cadto labi smaller, and that is the pang diutay, ug cari mao ang lab ng smallest of all.

  21. To Vergil: on the Death of Quintilius QVIS desiderio sit pudor aut modus tam cari capitis?

  22. The missionary of the village of Cari led us into several Indian huts, where extreme neatness and order prevailed.

  23. We had to cross the Rio Cari in a boat, and the Rio de agua clara, by fording, or, it may almost be said, by swimming.

  24. All the missionaries of the Carony, the Lower Orinoco and the Llanos del Cari whom we had an opportunity of consulting assured us that the Caribs are perhaps the least anthropophagous nations of the New Continent.

  25. But what a day this has been, cari miei!

  26. Cari miei, my dear fellows," he said, "he may be alive.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cari" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.