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Example sentences for "carotids"

Lexicographically close words:
carols; carom; caromed; caroms; carotid; carousal; carousals; carouse; caroused; carouses
  1. In the course of these experiments the thought suggested itself that suppression of the carotids might prove a salutary means of reducing that form of cerebral congestion which is so prolific a source of headache and vertigo.

  2. Indeed, pressure upon the carotids is an excellent method of differentiating the congestive form of headache from the nervous varieties of head pains.

  3. The instruments which I have devised as substitutes for the primitive procedure of digital compression of the carotids have already been described in former communications.

  4. The two carotids are fused into one carotis conjuncta, imbedded in a special median osseous semicanal of the vertebrae; e.

  5. In other likewise very rare cases a left, or a left and right, superficial carotids are developed and take the place of the then vanished deep or primary carotids.

  6. The right and left carotids converge towards the middle and extend up the neck, imbedded in a furrow along the ventral surface of the cervical vertebrae.

  7. But the carotids show several interesting modifications which have been examined chiefly by C.

  8. Exit, at margin of right trapezius, the track crossing the carotids about the level of normal bifurcation.

  9. I believe both the external and internal carotids were implicated; in No.

  10. If circulation to face and head is impaired through the cerebral congestion, open the common carotids and inject upward, draining from the internal jugular vein.

  11. In these cases the raising of only one common carotid would hardly suffice, and it would be far better to operate on both carotids to get the best results.

  12. Inject the rest of the body in the regular way, through one of the carotids raised for the injection of the head.

  13. To inject the body, the four principle arteries to be tied are the two common carotids and the two vertebrals, besides numerous veins and small vessels.

  14. Cosmetic effect will be enhanced by injection of the carotids upward with drainage from the internal jugular veins.

  15. He had a huge gaping wound of the neck, extending to within a half inch of the carotids on each side.

  16. The common carotid artery was not sound, so that ligatures were applied to the internal and external carotids and to the internal jugular with a small branch entering into it.

  17. Ellis mentions ligature of both carotids in four and a half days, as a treatment for a gunshot wound, with subsequent recovery.

  18. By these changes the roots of the external and internal carotids spring respectively from the ventral and dorsal ends of the primitive third artery, i.

  19. It was that of a lady in whom both common carotids were tied for a cirsoid aneurism, involving a great portion of the right side of the scalp.

  20. The flushed face, the throbbing of the carotids and temporals, the suffusion of the eyes, the feeling of fullness in the head, all disappear as if by magic under its use.

  21. The pulse, that was already weak and thready, is no longer perceptible; the carotids even and the impulse of the heart cease to be felt, and the second sound of the latter becomes inaudible.

  22. They should be met by chloroform, cold to the head, hypodermic injection of morphia, and cupping or leeching if the face is flushed, the eyes injected, and the carotids pulsating forcibly.

  23. The common carotids are the ones usually affected, and just below the bifurcation, but the external is also occasionally injured.

  24. The pressure on the carotids causes cerebral anæmia and is then only a secondary cause.

  25. Thus Marc reports a case of suicide by an incised wound of the neck, where the wound was so deep as to reach the vertebræ or their anterior ligaments and to divide the trachea and œsophagus, both carotids and jugular veins.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carotids" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.