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Example sentences for "chewers"

Lexicographically close words:
chevron; chevrons; chew; chewed; chewer; cheweth; chewing; chewink; chewinks; chews
  1. Pizarro found chewers in Peru, but it was in the country discovered by Cabral that the great sternutatory was originally found.

  2. How many of the American politicians and generals have been chewers as well as snuffers and smokers?

  3. They both chew and smoke, and they are certainly the dirtiest chewers in the world.

  4. We take the liberty of referring tobacco chewers to Dr.

  5. Chewers are often taken by surprise, and rather than be detected in the unclean practice, they will, with Spartan fortitude, endure the horrible agonies of swallowing the juice, and sometimes even the quid itself.

  6. Did it ever occur to gum chewers that the gum is simply an exciter of saliva, and that the sweet taste is the nutritious dextrin in the saliva and has nothing to do with the gum?

  7. When you visit us again, you will see in our dining-room of our new building more Horace Fletcher disciples, and more hard chewers than you ever saw together in one place in your life before.

  8. Smokers keep on finding chewers disgusting, and smokers of pipes and cigars frequently object to the odor of cigarettes.

  9. Smokers who for the first time meet chewers or snuffers or those who "dip" tobacco, as in the South, are affected unpleasantly.

  10. And because the awa had no effect, the chief hastily urged his awa chewers to chew the awa a second time.

  11. So the counsellor summoned the chief's awa chewers and made ready what the chief commanded, and he brought it to him, and the chief drank with his counsellor and drunkenness possessed him.

  12. As the two women, skirts held high, paused in front of the white-rose bush the indefatigability of the chewers and suckers was revealed.

  13. She suddenly saw herself in the grasp of the heaver and squeezer, of the chewers and suckers, and was full of consternation.

  14. The waste of saliva in young smokers and in immoderate chewers we admit.

  15. Yet chewers are the greatest spitters, and have a characteristic drooping of the angle of the lower lip, which points to loss of power in the leavator muscles.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chewers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.