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Example sentences for "clearke"

Lexicographically close words:
clearer; clearest; cleargie; clearing; clearings; clearly; clearness; clears; clearstory; cleat
  1. Also that famous clearke Robert Grosted bishop of Lincolne departed this life on the day of S.

  2. Wherefore I passe it ouer to others, hoping that some man yer long will vouchsafe to performe that at large, which the famous clearke Doctor Turner hath brieflie yet happilie begun, touching the effects & working of the same.

  3. Gaue it a Iudges Clearke: but wel I know The Clearke wil nere weare haire on's face that had it Gra.

  4. The Clearke of Chartam: hee can write and reade, and cast accompt Cade.

  5. Against this booke Albinus that famous clearke wrote a treatise confirmed with places taken out of holie scripture, which treatise, with the booke in name of all the bishops and princes of Britaine, he presented vnto the king of France.

  6. About a twentie dayes or such a time before the Parliament, Proclamation is made throughout the kingdom, to deliver into the King's Clearke of Register all Bills to be exhibited that Session before a certain day.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clearke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.