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Example sentences for "cleaver"

Lexicographically close words:
cleauing; cleavage; cleavages; cleave; cleaved; cleavers; cleaves; cleaveth; cleaving; clebber
  1. Separated from its northern neighbor by a rock cleaver of remarkable length and straightness, it flows in a direct course for a distance of 5 miles.

  2. East of the South Tahoma Glacier, heading against a great cleaver that descends from Peak Success, lies a triangular ice field, or interglacier, named Pyramid Glacier.

  3. It is an extensive cleaver between the upper Cowlitz and Ingraham Glaciers.

  4. Madame Cleaver laid the matter very plainly before her two hundred and forty-odd girls.

  5. Madame Cleaver was Chief Guardian of the fifteen Camp Fires of the Institute.

  6. One well-known captain of infantry informed Madame Cleaver that war nurses could not reach the highest grade of efficiency unless they were able to march in columns from one camp to another and be distributed in squads at the points needed.

  7. Madame Cleaver agreed with them in this respect.

  8. In his time lived a poor honest country fellow of Gravot, Tom Wellhung by name, a wood-cleaver by trade, who in that low drudgery made shift so to pick up a sorry livelihood.

  9. The cleaver and axe are our arms; our life is in the slaughter house: Hurrah for the slaughter house!

  10. The cleaver and axe are our weapons; our life is in the slaughter house; we know the hue of blood, and care not if we kill cattle or nobles!

  11. But, of course, we shall have to go, seeing that we couldn't tell Mr. Cleaver a lie.

  12. He ground his teeth together till he produced a resemblance of the crashing sound which the cleaver wielded by Britton had made as it came in contact with the crunched bones of Gray’s skull.

  13. If there should be any occasion, which I think there will be, to smash this fellow, do you mind lending me that same cleaver of yours?

  14. Don’t be unreasonable—joint me with a notched cleaver if I don’t think you are the most comfortable cove as I knows, and lots of money and nothing for to do but to melt it down into all sorts o’ strong drinks.

  15. He raised in his hand the cleaver as he spoke—with a dull heavy splash there fell from its blade on to the floor “gouts of blood,” and Learmont turned away his head, sickened at the sight.

  16. Learmont turned his eyes away as he saw Britton step over the obstruction with the cleaver uplifted.

  17. But I’d rather have my cleaver with me, in case of anything handy and delicate being wanted.

  18. That you may do as you like, squire, but give me the pleasure of using this cleaver on his skull when I please.

  19. Go to the devil,” said Britton, as he shook himself free of the squire, and flourishing the cleaver proceeded on his way to the Chequers.

  20. He’s dead,” and Britton felt himself almost injured that Gray could not be brought to life again in order to give him again the pleasure of dashing Bond’s cleaver into his quivering brain.

  21. The smith did not speak, but he pointed up the stairs, and then, with a grim smile, held up the cleaver threateningly.

  22. They accordingly suffered the punishment, the wrist being divided by a cleaver driven through the joint by force of a mallet.

  23. With one swing of my arm I sent the cleaver hurtling through the air.

  24. I stepped down one stair conscious of increasing movement below, the meat cleaver still gripped in my hands.

  25. Nor were they all bare-handed; in many a grip flashed a knife, and directly fronting me, with a meat cleaver uplifted to strike, Sanchez yelled his orders.

  26. DeLasser caught its point with his blade while my cleaver missing him with its sharp edge, nevertheless dealt the fellow a blow which hurled him back into the arms of the man behind.

  27. They turned axe and cleaver upon the young courtiers; slew, tortured, imprisoned, at their will, with psalms and canticles on their lips.

  28. Then they found out such a cleaver contryvance to have this Letter delivered into the hands of the Landlord, that he had not the least distrust of a cheat; but away he rides immediately.

  29. Deems had taken the cleaver hastily from Martha's hands, and that night told his wife that Martha would have to be watched closely.

  30. One of these, who went in heavily for euphuism, told his inamorata that her heart was harder than his father's block, and the satire of her tongue keener than the edge of a certain cleaver in his parent's possession.

  31. One night he went for his wife with the cleaver and she had to sleep a neighbour's house.

  32. She dealt with moral problems as a cleaver deals with meat: and in this case she had made up her mind.

  33. Beside this range was a butcher block upon which lay a great cleaver with a keen edge.

  34. Majesty the cleaver said: "Excuse me, but you're sitting on my friend the Ten-quart Kettle.

  35. Mary Cleaver is sick," returned Emily, "and Everard is awfully put out about it.

  36. You will not now refuse to take the soprano in the anthem to-morrow, he said, when I tell you that it is utterly impossible for Miss Cleaver to do so, and that the anthem must be omitted unless you will sing.

  37. The next morning I offered Tinah a present of axes and other things but, as he suspected this was meant by way of return for getting the cleaver restored, he would not be prevailed with to accept a single article.

  38. Contrary to my expectation Tinah this afternoon brought on board the cleaver that had been stolen.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cleaver" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.