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Example sentences for "coeurs"

Lexicographically close words:
coercion; coercive; coeternal; coetus; coeur; coeval; coevals; coexist; coexisted; coexistence
  1. The Coeurs d'Aléne 'live about the lake which takes its name from them.

  2. East and south-east (of the Coeurs d'Alène) and extends to the Rocky Mountains.

  3. Teresa amused themselves composing a parody on the Marseillaise, of which the following is a couplet: "Livrons nos coeurs a l'allegresse!

  4. But it seems I won her esteem by enquiring if "les coeurs d'Arras" had a history.

  5. The Coeurs d'Alêne and their Superstitions.

  6. As Gerard went up the steps he looked at both ends of the portico, where some venerable larches spread their black branches; and he called up Clef-des-Coeurs and Beau-Pied.

  7. That damned cider which Clef-des-Coeurs would stop to drink cost more than a pint of blood.

  8. A general laugh put an end to the discussion, for Clef-des-Coeurs found no suitable reply in his pouch with which to floor his adversary.

  9. Coeurs d'Acier are to be found in all ranks of the sex, monsieur, I fancy!

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coeurs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.