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Example sentences for "coeternal"

Lexicographically close words:
coerce; coerced; coercing; coercion; coercive; coetus; coeur; coeurs; coeval; coevals
  1. Or of the Eternal coeternal beam May I express thee unblamed?

  2. Or of the Eternal: or may I, unblamed, express thee as the coeternal beam of the Eternal.

  3. The spiritual man is that per- fect and unfallen likeness, coexistent and coeternal with God.

  4. God, that although not coeternal with Him, yet is it not detached from Him, nor dissolved into the variety and vicissitude of times, but reposeth in the most true contemplation of Him only?

  5. Is not this house of God, not coeternal indeed with God, yet after its measure, eternal in the heavens, when you seek for changes of times in vain, because you will not find them?

  6. Nor yet is it coeternal with Thee, O God, because not without beginning; for it was made.

  7. And no times are coeternal with Thee, because Thou abidest; but if they abode, they should not be times.

  8. So Christ is coequal and coeternal with the Father.

  9. Ethical Monism traces the universe back to a beginning, while Pantheism regards the universe as coeternal with God.

  10. The Homoeomeries are coeternal with, if not anterior to, Nous.

  11. Christ, speaking of himself as the coeternal Son, says, ‘My Father is greater than I.

  12. And in this Trinity there is none before or after, none greater or less, but all three Persons are coeternal and coequal.

  13. The Almighty Creator, not created nor born, but he himself begot a Child coeternal with himself.

  14. He is begotten, and yet he is coeval and coeternal with his Father.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coeternal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accompanying; ageless; agreeing; ceaseless; coeternal; coeval; coexistent; collateral; concomitant; concurrent; constant; contemporaneous; contemporary; conterminous; continual; continuous; coterminous; dateless; endless; eternal; everlasting; immemorial; incessant; indestructible; infinite; interminable; perdurable; permanent; perpetual; simultaneous; steady; timeless; unceasing; unending; uninterrupted; unremitting