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Example sentences for "coercive"

Lexicographically close words:
coequal; coerce; coerced; coercing; coercion; coeternal; coetus; coeur; coeurs; coeval
  1. At the same time it favours coercive ways of affecting opinion.

  2. To think that you are able by social disapproval or other coercive means to crush a man's opinion, is as one who should fire a blunderbuss to put out a star.

  3. The timid compromiser on the one hand, and the advocate of coercive restriction on the other, are equally the victims of a superfluous apprehension.

  4. Hunger is as coercive as violence; ignorance fetters as hopelessly as force.

  5. It must no longer be "coercive"; it will be coercive under present conditions.

  6. They declared that if (M150) the Irish, government wished to make the coercive system appear as odious as possible, they would act just as they were acting.

  7. He had been looking through coercion Acts, he continued, and had been astonished to find that ever since 1847, with some very short intervals hardly worth mentioning, Ireland had lived under exceptional and coercive legislation.

  8. Both Bright and Chamberlain, if I remember right, did very good service in protesting against haste, and resisting Forster's desire to anticipate the ordinary session for the purpose of obtaining coercive powers.

  9. The Irish viceroy was ready to drop a large portion of what Mr. Gladstone called coercive provisions, while retaining provisions special to Ireland, but favouring the efficiency of the law.

  10. The rapid and vast extension of agrarian disturbance followed, as was to be expected, this wild excess of landlordism, and the Irish government proceeded to warn the cabinet that coercive legislation would be necessary.

  11. I hain't never seen ez good a baby ez this," she said, with the convincing coercive mendacity of a grandmother.

  12. When a sudden stir of the leaves or the breaking of a twig recalled him to the world, and he would lift his head, it might hardly seem the same face, so heavy was the lower jaw, so insistent and coercive his eye.

  13. The coercive authority exercised by this standing council of the king was far more important.

  14. Let it have the appearance of a boon from ourselves, and not in downright submission to the coercive measures adopted by the British Parliament.

  15. When such a man as Sir Lionel Smith pronounced it no longer practicable to carry on coercive labor, he must have been a bold as well as a rash planter who would venture to hold on to the old system under Lord Glenelg's improvement Act.

  16. But you will remember that I expressly repudiated awhile ago the pretension to offer any arguments which could be coercive in a so-called scientific fashion in this matter.

  17. It is not only the influence of society and tradition that renders imagination-beliefs coercive to a savage; in the immature mind of the individual there are certain conditions favourable to their prevalence.

  18. It was now time for him to see about starting for Markton, an intelligible zest for circumventing the ardent and coercive captain of artillery saving him from any unnecessary delay in the journey.

  19. The calm ecstasy of the condition of at least one of them was not without a coercive effect upon the two invidious spectators, so that they must need have remained passive had they come there to disturb or annoy.

  20. Then it was that the president issued his proclamation of the twenty-fifth of September, and prepared to use coercive measures.

  21. Before the commencement of the present disturbances, the coercive power of the mother-country had always been able to restrain those factions from breaking out into any thing worse than gross brutality and insult.

  22. If that coercive power were entirely taken away, they would probably soon break out into open violence and bloodshed.

  23. The third episode reverses in a curious manner (which confuses present discussion) the notion of experience as a foreign, alien, coercive material.

  24. When freedom is conceived to be transcendental, the coercive restraint of immediate necessity will lay its harsh hand upon the mass of men.

  25. But he would give no coercive jurisdiction to his censors, and plainly intimates his dislike to a similar authority in the church.

  26. It is found in the day-to-day operations of government in the county and the General Assembly not just in the great crises of the Stamp Act, the Coercive Acts, and Lexington and Concord.

  27. When the Virginians talked about the Coercive Acts, they called them the Intolerable Acts and included not just the four Massachusetts laws but the Quebec Act as well.

  28. By the time members of the convention gathered in Williamsburg on August 1 popular opinion for stern action against the Coercive Acts was unequivocal.

  29. The Coercive Acts (the English name, not the colonial) took two months to pass.

  30. At the same time, and unconnected with the Coercive Act, parliament rendered its final solution to the western land problems by passing the Quebec Act of 1774.

  31. It will readily be understood how serious a matter it was to oppose any coercive measure.

  32. But a little machiavelism on the part of the husband will be much more likely to remedy the difficulty than any coercive measures.

  33. They should make the penalty disgrace, rather than inflict painful or coercive sentences.

  34. This was bribing them to do good work, and not a few people had more confidence in the efficacy of such treatment than in purely strict and coercive measures.

  35. They were not advocates for a "purely coercive and penal discipline.

  36. In Singapore the attempts of the Chinese to defy the Government called for coercive measures, but the danger is small, because the immigrant Chinaman has only the courage to act in mobs.

  37. It was a yet further step downward from the coercive power of a sovereign to that of a synod, and thence again to that of a congregation.

  38. In each stage the strength of the coercive power that could be exercised over men's opinions and expressions of opinion was sensibly diminished.

  39. Not until we realise the failure of national coercive power for indispensable ends (like the food of our people) shall we cease to idealise power and to put our most intense political emotions (like those of patriotism) behind it.

  40. Not until we realise the failure of national coercive power for indispensable ends (like the food of our people) shall we cease to idealise power and to put our intensest political emotions, like those of patriotism, behind it.

  41. The feelings associated with coercive domination evidently lie near the surface of our natures and are easily excited.

  42. The feature which stood condemned in the old order was not the possession by States of coercive power.

  43. He says there will be no deficiency of consequence in the potato crop, none of the potatoes are entirely spoiled; but the state of Ireland is very bad in parts, and requires coercive measures.

  44. To its pomps there was a dislike so pronounced that Augustus introduced coercive laws.

  45. The Directors imagined that the reëstablishment of their coercive system would remove the evil which fraud and artifice had grafted upon one more rational and liberal.

  46. The trade became nominally free; but the course of business established in consequence of coercive monopoly was not easily altered.

  47. The husband is deprived of that coercive power over his wife which he had in his hands by the use he might make of the discretionary power reserved in the settlement.

  48. In that alarming situation, we besought your Majesty's ministers to entertain some distrust of the operation of coercive measures, and to profit of their experience.

  49. The coercive authority of the state is limited to what is necessary for its existence.

  50. Experience has taught us that men will not adopt and carry into execution measures the best calculated for their own good without the intervention of coercive power.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coercive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    compulsive; forcible; sledgehammer; terroristic; violent