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Example sentences for "coercing"

Lexicographically close words:
coena; coepit; coequal; coerce; coerced; coercion; coercive; coeternal; coetus; coeur
  1. The power to summon a witness necessarily includes that of coercing him to testify, and this was exercised by imprisoning recalcitrants, which came to be regarded as an infraction of privilege.

  2. Cabinet Ministers have no moral objection whatever to coercing Ireland.

  3. If they have any objection to coercing Ulster, it is not on moral grounds, but because Ulster provides them with a plausible palliation for their guilt in denying freedom to a race of white men.

  4. The Essex Junto, with Timothy Pickering as leader, spared no pains to convince the unthinking that Jefferson was the tool or the dupe of Napoleon, who was bent upon coercing the United States into war with Great Britain.

  5. The policy which the Secretary of State was known to favor was that of coercing England through restrictions upon trade.

  6. It is evident that these means of tormenting and coercing dissenters went much further to cause them to disappear than autos-de-fe and other executions.

  7. Legal in form, in practice sometimes almost absolute, the government of Germany was, like that of other feudal kingdoms, restrained chiefly by the difficulty of coercing refractory vassals.

  8. A small English force had been sent to Boston with the object of coercing the recalcitrant colony of Massachusetts.

  9. Your state and mine, and I would it were so with all others, no longer allow the imprisonment of the debtor as a means of coercing payment from him.

  10. It takes out of his hand the power of coercing labor, and provides no other stimulus.

  11. There are many ways of coercing workers without personal violence.

  12. Its success being dependent on the inability of the employer to fill the places of the strikers, their energies are bent on persuading or coercing other workers from taking employment.

  13. They embarked on the hopeful enterprise of bringing about a complete uniformity in men’s opinions on the mysteries of the universe, and began a more or less definite policy of coercing thought.

  14. It is futile, therefore, to say to a Government that it acts unjustly in coercing opinion, unless it is shown that freedom of opinion is a principle of such overmastering social utility as to render other considerations negligible.

  15. The practise of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets; any similar use of violence to achieve goals.

  16. You have been labouring under the delusion, all along, that Miss Onslow's presence among us affords you an effective means of coercing me to do certain things for you.

  17. More than thirty years ago Sir Rutherford Alcock was impressed with the destructive effect of "each treaty Power dictating to the Government and coercing its officers in their jurisdiction wherever Christians were concerned.

  18. Peking-- Blockade of, a means of coercing Government, i.

  19. He stated the Government proposal, promised an Amending Bill for the following session, and repudiated as unthinkable the idea of coercing Ulster in the existing patriotic atmosphere.

  20. Defn: The practise of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets; any similar use of violence to achieve goals.

  21. No sovereign was ever a more imposing figure than this woman had made herself since the day when she had succeeded in coercing the Guises after the death of Francis II.

  22. If there were, indeed, some coercing force which was neither God nor matter, if God were compelled to make the machinery of the universe, it would be no less absurd to call Him God than to call a slave set to turn a mill a Roman citizen.

  23. Jere Black, of Pennsylvania) that there was no constitutional means for coercing a State (as his last message shows beyond a doubt) and adds that such for the time seemed to be the general opinion of the country.

  24. As for the Nationalists, they would never succeed in coercing Ulster, but "by showing that good government can come under Home Rule they might try and win her over to the case of the rest of Ireland.

  25. If the first steps were being taken to construct a federal system, there was no precedent for coercing Ulster to form part of a federal unit which she refused to join.

  26. At night, in a palace, we see a dissolute Italian dowager and a crafty French ambassador coercing a sovereign of sixteen into a detested alliance.

  27. Bobbins, who has a brother in Parliament, is vehement in his support of the Twenty Hours' Labour Bill, and insists upon the necessity of a measure for effectually coercing apprentices.

  28. The worker with the advance of democracy had become more and more hostile to a system coercing his labor and denying him all political and civil rights.

  29. There are better methods of coercing them than to march our army on to their soil.

  30. They saw the infinite evil resulting from coercing the unwilling obedience of a subject to a Government which he abhorred and detested.

  31. As it is, it might easily mean that British troops would be coercing British strikers at home when they should be fighting Potsdam abroad, thus producing a disastrous and detestable division of popular feeling in the face of the enemy.

  32. All the sayings of Christ which had lain closest to her heart for years, to-night for the first time seem to her no longer sayings of comfort or command, but sayings of fire and flame that burn their coercing way through life and thought.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coercing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.