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Example sentences for "concomitant"

Lexicographically close words:
concoction; concoctions; concocts; concolorous; concomitance; concomitantly; concomitants; concord; concordance; concordances
  1. During the erection of the Custom-House, from the dampness of its material and concomitant causes, he contracted a disorder which caused paralysis, from which he never recovered.

  2. The psychical is not a second, subtle, parallel form of energy causally interactive with the physical; much less is it a concomitant series, as the parallelists hold.

  3. Such a cloud, or mist, as could have enveloped Romulus from the eyes of the assembly, is not a natural concomitant of a thunder-storm.

  4. It was the concomitant of the tendency noted by Livy: adeo minimis etiam rebus prava religio inserit deos (xxvii, 23).

  5. According to Barthez et Rilliet, acute pulmonary diseases, and especially pneumonia, are the most frequent concomitant affections, and are usually consecutive.

  6. Troeltsch says that "l'audition du diapason par le vertex" is lost at an early date after the beginning of the disease, and that there are also often concomitant affections of the nose and pharynx.

  7. Where the {193} ecchymoses are larger and upon exposed parts of the body, the diagnosis from the lesions alone becomes impossible, and due consideration of all concomitant circumstances is essential.

  8. All which is founded in a concern for happiness, the unavoidable concomitant of consciousness; that which is conscious of pleasure and pain, desiring that that self that is conscious should be happy.

  9. In general, work is by natural selection so invariable a concomitant of our unrivaled opportunity to work profitably, that it absorbs our energies so far as this palpable sphere is concerned.

  10. She walks all hours of the day, and leaves indolence, and its concomitant maladies, to be endured by her horses.

  11. I have found that cold, negative heat, is a concomitant of cold light.

  12. You can understand me when I say that as heat, positive heat is a concomitant of ordinary light.

  13. Now I do not think that, much as they have abused opium smoking, any of the Anti-Opium writers have ever alleged insanity to be an effect or concomitant of opium smoking.

  14. This is simple morality; but if such a grant entails concomitant evils, surely I am absolved of my original contract.

  15. Proneness to censure, to criticism, and discussion, is the concomitant of keen intellect given to scrutiny and analysis.

  16. It is the direct concomitant of the saved life.

  17. The inevitable concomitant followed--a continually increasing moral and physical degeneration.

  18. The question is as old as Aristotle, whether metre, that is, regularized rhythm, is an inalienable and necessary concomitant of poetry.

  19. Obviously the retinal processes are constant for the two interpretations of magnitude and the ambiguity is due to the concomitant factor of convergence.

  20. The messengers of justice and of wrath await them in the field; and devastation, famine, and every concomitant horror that a reluctant, but indispensable prosecution of military duty must occasion, will bar the way to their return.

  21. The messengers of justice and of wrath await them in the field, and devastation, famine, and every concomitant horror that a reluctant but indispensable prosecution of military duty must occasion, will bar the way to their return.

  22. May it not rather be that the emotion as a primary mode of experience is the concomitant of the net result of the organic situation--the initial presentation, the instinctive mode of behaviour, the visceral disturbances?

  23. The specialised instinctive performances and their concomitant experience-complexes are at the outset more indefinite.

  24. It is a benign, connective-tissue new growth, with concomitant or subsequent, but usually partial, fatty degeneration.

  25. By its general distribution, the longer duration of the individual lesions, the darker color, and the presence of concomitant symptoms of syphilis.

  26. The history, together with other evidences of previous or concomitant symptoms of syphilis, will often aid in the differentiation.

  27. The distribution and extent of the eruption, the color, the grouping, with usually the presence of pustules and large papules and other concomitant symptoms of syphilis, are points of difference.

  28. Moreover, concomitant symptoms of syphilis are to be looked for.

  29. This might be called a law of association by concomitant variations.

  30. It escapes his notice, however, that in two out of his three cases it is disuse, or diminished use, which fails to cause concomitant variation or proportionate variation.

  31. But he has also shown that altered degree of use does not cause the needed concomitant variation of co-operative parts.

  32. He holds, for instance, that natural selection is inadequate to effect the numerous concomitant changes necessitated by such developments as that of the long neck of the giraffe.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "concomitant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accession; accessory; accompaniment; accompanying; addendum; addition; additive; adjunct; adjuvant; agreeing; annex; annexation; appanage; appendage; appurtenance; associate; associated; attachment; attendant; attending; coda; coeternal; coeval; coexistent; coincident; collateral; collective; combined; combining; companion; complement; concerted; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; conjoint; consort; contemporaneous; contemporary; conterminous; continuation; cooperative; coordinate; corollary; correlative; coterminous; coupled; draw; extension; extrapolation; fellow; fixture; harmonious; increase; increment; joined; joint; mate; meeting; modern; mutual; offshoot; paired; parallel; parasitic; pendant; reinforcement; saprophytic; simultaneous; supplement; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; tie; twin; united; attending; coda; coeternal; coeval; coexistent; coincident; collateral; collective; combined; combining; companion; complement; concerted; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; conjoint; consort; contemporaneous; contemporary; conterminous; continuation; cooperative; coordinate; corollary; correlative; coterminous; coupled; draw; extension; extrapolation; fellow; fixture; harmonious; increase; increment; joined; joint; mate; meeting; modern; mutual; offshoot; paired; parallel; parasitic; pendant; reinforcement; saprophytic; simultaneous; supplement; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; tie; twin; united