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Example sentences for "coexisted"

Lexicographically close words:
coeur; coeurs; coeval; coevals; coexist; coexistence; coexistences; coexistent; coexisting; coexists
  1. The extinct Mammals with which man coexisted are referable in many cases to species which presumably required a very different climate to that now prevailing in Western Europe.

  2. And yet both sets of rules coexisted among the agriculturists of feudal England; communities placed in nearly identical historical positions followed one or the other of these rules.

  3. From Yakutat Bay westward into the Aleutians this species coexisted with the double-crested cormorant.

  4. In the Bering Sea this species coexisted with the red-faced cormorant.

  5. Not only is it proven that man coexisted with the extinct animals, but also that he coexisted with the extinct glaciers.

  6. Is it not equally mysterious that ideas which have formerly coexisted should recall each other?

  7. To speak of the association of ideas implies that they have previously coexisted in the mind, and that the one now recalls the other in consequence of that previous coexistence.

  8. Thus the confusion of Egyptian religion is what was inevitable in a land where new and old did not succeed and supersede each other, but coexisted on good terms.

  9. From the capital to the farthest extremity of the provinces, depopulation and misery in the country coexisted with enormous wealth an the towns.

  10. This comprised seven subdivisions but was apparently the least influential school as it was not predominant anywhere, though it coexisted with other schools in most parts.

  11. The singularity in Wordsworth's case, on the other hand, is that his contemplative tendencies not only coexisted with, but were implicated with, the most precise and vivid apprehension of small realities.

  12. It was "a day when light and darkness coexisted in contiguous masses, and the earth and sky were but one.

  13. There are small lakes in Canada and Michigan where the brook-trout and black-bass have coexisted from time immemorial without jeopardy to the trout.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coexisted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.