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Example sentences for "colliquative"

Lexicographically close words:
colliery; collies; colligate; colligation; collimator; collision; collisions; collo; collocated; collocation
  1. One case I saw, and one I was well informed of, where the bronchocele was cured by burnt sponge, and a hectic fever supervened with colliquative sweats; but I do not know the final event of either of them.

  2. In some he had observed a great tendency to sweats, even from the beginning: these are colliquative and symptomatic, not to be encouraged.

  3. The attack was apt to be attended by colliquative diarrhoea.

  4. He ascribes suppuration of the liver to intemperance and protracted disease, {946} especially dysentery and colliquative wasting.

  5. Constipation at the outset may be subsequently followed by colliquative diarrhoea.

  6. In phthisis pulmonalis, at a late stage, colliquative diarrhoea, like colliquative perspirations, shows the breaking up of the system by excessive waste.

  7. Indeed, an exhaustive colliquative diarrhoea may require bismuth, copper, and other astringents, combined with opium, to prevent the patient passing into the condition of collapse.

  8. Erysipelas, metastatic abscesses, inflammations, pyaemia, or colliquative diarrhoea may be mentioned as complications which may prove sufficiently serious to produce death, independently of the virulence of the primary stomatitis.

  9. When the intestinal arterioles are attacked, an intractable colliquative diarrhoea comes on; the stools are offensive, sometimes light from the absence of bile, sometimes dark from decomposition or the presence of blood.

  10. When death ensues, it may be by asthenia, erysipelas, pneumonia, pyaemia, or colliquative diarrhoea.

  11. As a rule, the tuberculous ulcer shows itself late in the course of pulmonary phthisis, and is the cause of the obstinate and colliquative diarrhoea which speedily exhausts the patient.

  12. The disease is never accompanied with colliquative sweats or diarrhoea.

  13. This is the only case in which I at any time observed colliquative sweats as a symptom of this disease.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colliquative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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