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Example sentences for "comporting"

Lexicographically close words:
component; components; componere; comport; comported; comportment; comports; compos; compose; composed
  1. Recently precipitated protoxide of manganese dissolves very appreciably in neutral solution of chloride of calcium, its solution therein comporting itself with reagents exactly like solutions of manganese salts.

  2. This course of discussion he deprecated, as not comporting with the sacred cause of distant and oppressed humanity, &c.

  3. He repelled, in a style comporting with the dignity of his station, the charges of the Duc de Cadore.

  4. I was watching not long since, a man talking to a bright woman on the train, and his manner of comporting himself set me to thinking of the peculiar ways men have of addressing themselves to women.

  5. It is not quite so bad to see a young girl making a fool of herself as to see an elderly woman comporting herself in a giddy manner in public places.

  6. Approaching a landing, they were met by Indian archers wearing feather headdresses and comporting themselves in a threatening manner; but these were pacified by the two Indians brought from the watering-place.

  7. She sprang from her place of refuge to his knee as soon as he entered, and occupied that post all luncheon time, comporting herself with great discretion.

  8. Of this Mary believed two sentences--namely, that Aunt Catharine doted on Fitzjocelyn, and that he was not so soft as he looked, which she took as an admission that he was not comporting himself foolishly.

  9. Where massive stone walls enclose the estate, this style of cottage will be in character, as comporting with that strong and solid air which the rustic appearance of stone alone can give.

  10. There can be nothing less comporting with the simplicity of rural scenery, than a glaring red color on a building.

  11. Let it be understood, that the above sums are named as simply comporting with a financial view of the subject, and such as the economical management of the estate may warrant.

  12. Indeed, such wings may add to its dignity, and consequence, as comporting with the standing and influence which its occupant may hold in the community wherein he resides.

  13. The style and arrangement of these chimney groups may be various, as comporting with the design of the house itself; and any good architect can arrange them as fitted to such design.

  14. In the writer's opinion and experience a wide gulf opens up between a perfect white or black dog comporting absolutely to the standard, and one of desirable color and markings that is off a number of points.

  15. In a word, in comporting to the standard a dog is produced that possesses a harmonious whole, "a thing of beauty" and a joy as long as he lives.

  16. Two days of this intoxicating popularity had just passed; the funeral was over, and she ran in to the White Farm on her way home, to carry a message, and to see with her own eyes how Samantha Ann Ripley was comporting herself.

  17. Timothy was comporting himself, at this trying crisis, neither as a hero nor as a martyr.

  18. She was a schooner of the common two-masted Pacific type, but she was comporting herself in a manner uncommon on the Pacific, or any other ocean.

  19. Illustration: A schooner comporting herself in a manner uncommon on the Pacific] They were now within a mile of the schooner.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comporting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.