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Example sentences for "giddy"

Lexicographically close words:
gibus; gico; giddie; giddily; giddiness; gide; gidius; gie; gieb; giebt
  1. There may be easier roads, but take them not; others may tempt thee from thy giddy path, but listen not to their talk.

  2. When he pressed it with questions it would only cry helplessly, and point always before it, as if longing to reach the most giddy heights.

  3. Law's head grew giddy with his elevation, and he began to aspire after aristocratical distinction.

  4. A sort of giddy feeling came over me, it was all so strange, and I put my head down on mamma's shoulder, without speaking.

  5. I stand between them, and they make me drink again--cool frothing champagne and hot burning brandy--until I am so giddy that the floor heaves under my feet.

  6. I am so sick and giddy that I do not understand what he says.

  7. Though giddy and trembling, he found he could stand.

  8. I have been in a species of restless elysium,--a giddy and sometimes agonising whirl, although the scene was paradise!

  9. So he fell, or pretended to fall, desperately in love with my giddy self.

  10. Gay, giddy as I am, Cromwell has not a child who glories in him more than I do.

  11. There may be wisdom in thy giddy pate," observed the Buccaneer thoughtfully.

  12. My fingers stray idly up and down the glass; but it is no longer a giddy waltz that they are executing--if it is a tune at all, it is some little dirge.

  13. Having gone thus far, I must go on, but I feel giddy and sick, and my hands grasp the arms of my chair.

  14. I recall a spring day--a sparkling day of the season of youth and promise--and a nook of earth, fit for the wild unshackled sun to skip along and brighten with his inconstant giddy light.

  15. Giddy as that bridge of steel, framed like a scimitar, and as fine, which the faithful Moslem, by the aid of his Prophet, will pass with triumph on his way to Paradise.

  16. How giddy is this path that leads always so close over the unknowable!

  17. Down the brook's swift thrut swims The giddy worm, a fatal journey, For darting, az a streak ov silvry light From sentinal place, the Spekled gourmand burys in hiz maw The barbed deceit.

  18. I am on a precipice," thought he; "but if my own brain does not turn giddy with the prospect, all yet may be safe.

  19. I do not think I shall ever again be the giddy girl I have been; but my head will change, not my heart; that was never giddy, and that shall still be as much yours as ever.

  20. The streets we had taken to attain the height, abrupt as they seem, are zigzags cut in the side of the mountain; and the city, with its two rivers, spread like a map below our giddy elevation.

  21. We went on till we arrived at a giddy height, hanging over the road to Geneva, and the view repaid us for our climbing.

  22. Or, giddy with her beauty's praise, She'd scorn our simple country life, Its wholesome nights and tranquil days.

  23. And listening he grew giddy and grasped the arms of the chair for support.

  24. It might well have made him giddy to look.

  25. He had been caught in a vortex and was being whirled on with a velocity of advance and gyration that made him giddy and sick.

  26. The set being completed, the music now struck up its enlivening notes, and the various contending passions and emotions of those engaged were soon lost for the time in the giddy whirl of excitement which succeeded.

  27. But it was, after all, a giddy and anxious elevation, and the influence of Seneca was only maintained by politic concessions, and was constantly threatened by the daemonic ambition of Agrippina.

  28. Lord of Misrule wields his motley scepter--leading from one reckless frolic to another till Mardi Gras culminates in a giddy whirl of delirious fun on which, at midnight, Lent drops a somber veil!

  29. I have recorded the spirit of a private, everyday conversation, just as I heard it over a dinner-table, from a party of giddy young men.

  30. Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge.

  31. The giddy young prince, however, thought too much of present pleasure to heed the call of ambition or duty, and suffered more than a year to glide away, before he complied with the summons of his royal parents.

  32. If Ginevra were in a giddy mood, as she is eminently to-night, she would make no scruple of laughing at that mild, pensive Queen, or that melancholy King.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giddy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    addled; adrift; afloat; amorphous; babbling; beery; bemused; besotted; brainless; capricious; changeable; daft; delirious; desultory; dizzy; drenched; drunk; drunken; eccentric; erratic; faint; fickle; fitful; flickering; flighty; flitting; fluctuating; flustered; fluttery; fou; freakish; fribble; frivolous; full; gay; giddy; glorious; happy; harebrained; impetuous; impious; impulsive; incoherent; inconsistent; inconstant; indecisive; inebriate; infirm; intoxicated; irregular; irresolute; irresponsible; jolly; light; maudlin; mellow; mercurial; merry; moody; muddled; off; queer; rambling; ranting; raving; reeling; restless; roving; shapeless; shifting; shifty; shuffling; silly; skittish; sodden; spasmodic; spin; spineless; swimming; thoughtless; tipsy; unaccountable; uncertain; uncontrolled; undisciplined; unfixed; unpredictable; unreliable; unrestrained; unsettled; unstable; unsteady; vacillating; vagrant; variable; volatile; wandering; wanton; wavering; wavy; wayward; whimsical; witless; yeasty