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Example sentences for "flighty"

Lexicographically close words:
flight; flightiness; flighting; flightless; flights; flimsiest; flimsiness; flimsy; flinch; flinched
  1. There was a strange, inflamed, flurried, flighty recklessness of activity about him.

  2. From the more sedate and discipline-enforcing Lad, the youngster turned eagerly to chum-ship with this flighty gold-white stranger.

  3. When Lady came home, her flighty brain seemed to have forgotten the fact that young Wolf was her once-adored son.

  4. He was a prominent member of the exiled Court; but his open irreligion, his flighty character, and his continual plotting as an adherent of Prince Rupert, alienated him from the party of Hyde.

  5. Poor Halston had, unfortunately, put a spoke into his own wheel of ambition by marrying a lovely, but very flighty English girl, who came to America as a governess in the family of one of his fashionable patients.

  6. But Haidee, the child of a pretty flighty mother, was of different stock.

  7. He resumed his ordinary manner as he warmed with the subject, and began to walk up and down the room in his usual flighty way.

  8. His flighty thoughts flew off in a moment from the young lady to his cigar-case; and he walked away to the hearth-rug, twisting up a piece of waste paper into a lighter as he went.

  9. Atter I done nuss five er dem chillun ole Miss begun ter git sort er flighty in her haid, en ter go plum 'stracted about sto' physick en real doctahs.

  10. She had no sooner sat down than she began to ask Angelica, with an agreeable though flighty animation, if she had seen somebody since he had come back from his wedding trip?

  11. Or was she but the flighty girl he had once imagined her, driven hither and thither by spasmodic impulses, and incapable of consistent action, whether for good or ill?

  12. Indeed a flighty and half witted man is the very instrument generally preferred by cunning politicians when very hazardous work is to be done.

  13. He was indeed flighty and half witted, but not on that account the less dangerous.

  14. I can't think of anyone just now, your Spry and Flighty High and Mighty Majesty," he answered.

  15. Your High and Mighty Spry and Flighty Majesty," remarked the Captain respectfully, "it occurs to me that the weapons of the Pinkies are superior to our own.

  16. Whither is a flighty head and a shifty will carrying the girl?

  17. Examples are not wanting to prove that a flighty initiative on the part of the male is a handsome corrective.

  18. He considered her flighty and extravagant in her ideas, and was always divided between unwilling fascination and grumpy disapproval.

  19. Certainly he thought her more flighty and incomprehensible than ever, but he could not deny her fascination.

  20. There were the night cafes, where pruriency was draped in literary tags, and flighty women escaped from the restraints of middle-class respectability, competed with the professional music-hall stars for the palm of vulgarity.

  21. The clever flighty little woman had been holding aloof from the set for some time.

  22. He had only two more days' work before him and he had gained the unenviable reputation of being a fire-and-tow young fellow, who was flighty enough to make a martyr of himself.

  23. It's that flighty young French hussy, Miss Dinah; her they call Yvonne.

  24. A flyaway French cap and an apron barely reaching to the knees were to her the very essence of flighty impropriety.

  25. A necessary reflection for the purposes of these adventures, which at once subside into their accustomed train, and shunning all flighty anticipations or wayward wanderings, pursue their steady and decorous course.

  26. Melton has one of his flighty notions that the man is something wonderful.

  27. She tried to put her arms around the flighty young thing.

  28. The same about predestination, because he sees now-a-days so many flighty spirits who are but too much given to curiosity, and who go beyond bounds in this matter.

  29. Secondly, there may very likely be among them many flighty persons who would go beyond all bounds, sowing their own silly fancies, as often happens on occasion of a change.

  30. But Maurice drew Jean behind their tent and again said to him in his nervous, flighty way: "I can't stand it; I shall make an effort to get away as soon as it is dark.

  31. Jean looked at him in surprise; he could not understand that pride, sensitive as a raw sore, that made defeat so bitter to him; he was alarmed to behold in his eyes that wandering, flighty look that he had seen there before.

  32. Exactly the sort of woman to take care of a flighty preacher.

  33. The packet consisted of four note-books, quite crowded throughout with those giddy shapes of Pitman's shorthand, whose ensemble so resembles startled swarms hovering in flighty poses on the wing.

  34. And all she does without effort: rather with the flighty naturalness with which a bird takes to the wing.

  35. He had often and weightily pondered flappers smoking in Zenith restaurants, but he knew only one woman who smoked--Mrs. Sam Doppelbrau, his flighty neighbor.

  36. She is sweetly pretty, though they say rather a flirt, and flighty in her ways.

  37. You see I am not so flighty as you fancied.

  38. Suppose they say of you what they say of her, that you are a frivolous, flighty woman?

  39. And painters are respectable and worthy men and nothing like so flighty as you read.

  40. You're both too flighty and penitential for Brian's good.

  41. You, my son, are particularly flighty and fickle.

  42. I'd be a perennial in the Land of the Young and could hobnob indefinitely with his Flighty Highness, the King of Youth.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flighty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.