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Example sentences for "congealed"

Lexicographically close words:
confutes; confuteth; confuting; conge; congeal; congealing; congeals; congee; congelation; congener
  1. When the jelly is perfectly congealed and firm, place a dish over the mould, turn upside down, and remove it.

  2. These things however are beyond remedy, as well as the violent descent of vast masses of congealed snow from above, capable of overwhelming a whole company at a time, and sweeping them into the chasms beneath.

  3. The ancients believed that crystals consisted of water which had been frozen by excessive cold, and remained congealed for centuries.

  4. Numerous masses lie one upon the other, one hill of congealed snow being formed upon another, so that the uppermost mass is easily detached at any time from that below it, before being perfectly melted by the sun.

  5. Her arms were bare, her face and eyes red; the steam of soapsuds had congealed on them.

  6. And in 1920, when again the clan gathered to bless the marriage of Fleur with Michael Mont, the state of England is as surely too molten and bankrupt as in the eighties it was too congealed and low-percented.

  7. Some spirits which I had in a small keg congealed to the consistency of honey.

  8. The river became nearly filled with snow, partly congealed into ice.

  9. Those who have ever had occasion to cool their heels in the halls of greatness, till the mercury of their hopes congealed in the bulbs of their thoroughly refrigerated boots, will best appreciate Pike's plight.

  10. The ragged one grew silent, as if he had been congealed for a moment.

  11. He experienced a strange feeling of having become congealed and of having lost all sense of time.

  12. Outside the open window the evening air congealed in heaviness.

  13. From somewhere in the cold a fly came and buzzed feebly about the frayed meat on the big sheep bone that lay disconsolately in a congealed pool of amber-white grease in the middle of the glossy blue dish.

  14. Winnie felt him yield and was glad, but her triumph congealed in agony.

  15. Fat is only congealed oil; or oil, melted fat.

  16. Melting ice has always the same temperature in every place and under all circumstances; provided only that the water from which the ice is congealed is free from salts.

  17. The traitors also stand more or less completely congealed in the ice, according to the circumstances of their treachery (Inf.

  18. Sometimes several weeks elapsed ere the disentombment, the penitent being then usually found numb and congealed in all his extremities, like one newly stricken with paralysis.

  19. Ice is water congealed by the frigidity of the air.

  20. Congealed with cold; affected by freezing; as, a frozen brook.

  21. Watery particles congealed into white or transparent crystals or flakes in the air, and falling to the earth, exhibiting a great variety of very beautiful and perfect forms.

  22. A huge vessel of exceeding hard marble split asunder by congealed water.

  23. Defn: The rough surface of a congealed lava stream.

  24. To become congealed by cold; to be changed from a liquid to a solid state by the abstraction of heat; to be hardened into ice or a like solid body.

  25. This cold, congealed blood That glues my lips, and will not let me speak.

  26. They had never got quite so far as this before: some quarrel had congealed the surface again.

  27. When a gas is condensed to a liquid, or a liquid congealed to a solid, the molecules coalesce, and grapple with each other by forces which are insensible as long as the gaseous state is maintained.

  28. Here it is condensed, and indeed congealed to ice, the second vessel being plunged in a mixture cold enough to freeze the water.

  29. It congealed both my body and my mind, and scarcely left me the power of thinking.

  30. He took his key and his bedroom candle; then, on the first landing, he paused a moment to enjoy his work and to look at the mass of congealed ones whom he had forced to thaw and amuse themselves.

  31. These crept slow and half congealed amongst its Windings, and mixed their heavy Murmur with the Echo of Groans that rolled through all the Passages.

  32. Because your attention has been drawn to something cold in him, which you take to be moderation, but which is only congealed hatred.

  33. As I was thus occupied, chill horror congealed my blood, making my flesh quiver and my hair to stand on end.

  34. The nights, almost two weeks of Earth-time in length, congealed by the deadly frigidity of Space.

  35. Cracked and scarred and tumbled, as though some inexorable Titan torch had seared and crumbled and broken it, left it now congealed like a wind-lashed sea abruptly frozen into immobility.

  36. The pool of his blood lay congealed into a frozen dark splotch on the metal grid.

  37. Then pour this off, and mix with it enough olive oil to form a thick cream, or rather to the consistency of melted and re-congealed butter.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "congealed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    clotted; congealed; curdled; frozen; gelid; glacial; ice; icy; jellied; lumpish; lumpy; thick; thickened