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Example sentences for "several weeks"

  • These, however, were made up of excellent troops, withdrawn from service in the first lines and trained for several weeks, who knew every inch of the ground.

  • For food we had each brought along ten biscuits, the result of several weeks' hoarding.

  • Several weeks, however, elapsed without any determined attack from the enemy, who were engaged in their bloody work among the settlements and smaller posts.

  • Several weeks afterwards, Major Wilkins, with a force of six hundred regulars, collected with great effort throughout the provinces, was advancing to the relief of Detroit.

  • It may be remembered that this vessel had, several weeks before, gone down Lake Erie to hasten the advance of Cuyler's expected detachment.

  • Several weeks passed, and I had received no encouraging news.

  • On the second day I began to work in earnest, having been unsettled and indisposed for several weeks.

  • Apparently this is the case, for the house was still empty several weeks after I had quit, in spite of its unreasonably low rent and the beauty of its surroundings.

  • Immediately after this Eruption the Pains vanish; but the Pustules sometimes continue for several Weeks.

  • Some are out of Danger at the End of fifteen Days, and even sooner; others not before the Expiration of several Weeks.

  • This net cost me several weeks of work, but it was at last finished and ready to set.

  • The stockade surrounded the house at a distance of about six feet from either side, and it cost me several weeks of steady work.

  • Numerous trips were made to and from the mountain which consumed several weeks.

  • A variety of erysipelas which, after a few hours or days, disappears at one region and appears at another, and so continues for one or several weeks.

  • For the immediate attack, favorable, recovery taking place in several weeks or a few months.

  • This photograph was taken, though, several weeks later, wasn't it?

  • The House of Representatives has included the requested funds in the Treasury-Post Office appropriation bill which passed several weeks ago.

  • After a pleasant and successful season of several weeks in London and in the provinces, I took the little General into Germany, going from London to Paris and from thence to Strasbourg and Baden-Baden.

  • In San Francisco Pratt’s Hall, which the company occupied, was crowded day and evening for several weeks.

  • It therefore does not appear until it is several weeks old.

  • After subsidence of the disease, occasional catheterization may be practised at intervals of several weeks, in order to detect any recommencing stenosis.

  • This may take, in cases uninfluenced by treatment, several weeks or even months.

  • On the morning of that fatal nineteenth day of January, just at dawn the enemy's artillery, which had been silent now for several weeks, opened up a terrific bombardment on our position in Nijni Gora.

  • The disease may last from a few days to several weeks.

  • The course of this disease varies from a few days to several weeks.

  • The time required for the tissues to return to the normal varies from a few hours to several weeks.

  • Tryon had said that he loved her; he had said scarcely anything else for several weeks, surely nothing else worth remembering.

  • Nevertheless, he reached in several weeks a point from which he could consider her as one thinks of a dear one removed by the hand of death, or smitten by some incurable ailment of mind or body.

  • At the time when she learned that Tryon lived in the neighborhood, Rena had already been subjected for several weeks to a trying ordeal.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "several weeks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bearing plants; beside himself; cheap labor; dressed myself; made preparations; our right; principal object; several different; several instances; several islands; several letters; several other; several others; several parts; several people; several places; several plants; several rows; several small; several sorts; several species; several thousands; several varieties; several years; was not; whole family