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Example sentences for "contributions"

Lexicographically close words:
contribute; contributed; contributes; contributing; contribution; contributive; contributor; contributors; contributory; contrite
  1. This is too much to say of Richardson, but it is not too much to say of George Eliot.

  2. She has fought the hardest fight for freedom of thought, has produced the grandest inventions, has made magnificent contributions to science, has given us some of the divinest poetry, and quite the divinest music in the world.

  3. It has already been made clear that, during the time of the insurrection against both the Spaniards and Americans, the insurrecto forces were maintained by voluntary contributions of the people.

  4. None of the contributions went to the newspaper in the original handwriting.

  5. Having had conversation with Colonel Gilliam on this subject, I can state that he has no intention of levying contributions on the Hudson's Bay Company's property for any purpose whatever.

  6. The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Marvin Taylor of the Marine Rocket Troops Association; Helen McDonald of the Admiral Nimitz Museum: Frederick and Thomas Dashiell; LtCol Joseph McNamara, USMCR; BGen James D.

  7. Friends in the North, old and new, gladdened the hearts of teachers and pupils by contributions in clothing, books and money for the aid of needy students.

  8. It is earnestly hoped that other contributions of a similar nature will continue to be made.

  9. The peasants, however, who had hitherto suffered but little from the feuds of the kings, now began to find these roving bands troublesome, especially when they levied contributions and foraged wherever they went.

  10. We say to the charitable and benevolent, you need have no fear but your contributions in aid of humanity will be properly applied if entrusted to the hands of Mr. Greene.

  11. Holmes, Bushnell and Morris, was appointed to draw up subscription papers and circulate them among the citizens, for the purpose of receiving contributions in clothing and provisions.

  12. With all this care, however, much has been left unsaid which should be said concerning the value of Margaret's contributions to the critical literature of her time.

  13. Radin, "Contributions to the Study of the Bororo Indians," Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxxvi.

  14. George Gibbs, in Contributions to North American Ethnology (Washington, 1877), i.

  15. He skipped, danced and cut capers, and carried a money-box soliciting contributions from the onlookers.

  16. Some of the maskers carry clubs; it is their duty to beat all who fall into their hands and to levy contributions from them.

  17. One of the most valuable contributions to American literature recently made.

  18. The work is one of unsurpassed value to the historical student or even the general reader, and when more widely known will no doubt be appreciated as one of the remarkable contributions to English history published in the century.

  19. One of the most elaborate and noteworthy of recent contributions to historical literature.

  20. These, with General Grant's article, are among the most notable contributions ever made to magazine literature.

  21. The Boston Daily Herald refers to the author's views as follows: "One of the most original and valuable contributions yet made to the discussion of the project of extending federal aid to common school education in the States .

  22. There was at that time no plate at the church-door on ordinary Sabbaths; and no contributions were made by the people for the support of the gospel.

  23. At the door was a tin-box for receiving contributions for erecting a temple in London, where "their poor destitute fellow-countrymen might hear the true gospel.

  24. But these were only a part of Holland's wonderful contributions to the world's enlightenment.

  25. But the service that he rendered to Punch must by no means be associated only with the more elaborate contributions to its pages which are publicly connected with his name.

  26. Judged from the literary point of view these comedies were all original and striking contributions to the library of the stage.

  27. We expect the Romans to help from their own resources in this patriotic work, and certainly not to intercept our contributions for the purpose.

  28. Aquileia, contributions of wine and wheat from, remitted, xii.

  29. Concordia (Caorle), contributions of wine and wheat from, remitted, xii.

  30. Forojulii (Cividale), contributions of wine and wheat from, remitted, xii.

  31. To these annual contributions we must add the numerous loans raised by the Government on the security of the provinces.

  32. She returned to camp without missing it--she had something more exciting to think of, for Henrietta had mentioned that one of the contributions from her grandmother was a large box of candy.

  33. Hicks, was appointed to receive the contributions of grain, country produce, etc.

  34. These are the rudiments of tributes; though the contributions here spoken of were voluntary, and without compulsion.

  35. The augmentation [91] of tributes and contributions he mitigated by a just and equal assessment, abolishing those private exactions which were more grievous to be borne than the taxes themselves.

  36. The meeting ended, as is customary on such occasions, by a collection for the preachers, who set out on horseback, next morning, to levy contributions on another body of the natives.

  37. The further progress of the poet and the priest, in search of contributions for rebuilding the church, was rudely interrupted by the Revolution which broke out at Paris in 1848.

  38. His mission on this occasion was to assist in the inauguration of a creche, founded and supported by the charitable contributions of the friends of poor children.

  39. No poet had so many opportunities of making money, and of enriching himself by the contributions of the rich as well as the poor.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contributions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.