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Example sentences for "cottons"

Lexicographically close words:
cottier; cottiers; cotton; cottonade; cottoned; cottonseed; cottontail; cottontails; cottonwood; cottonwoods
  1. I wish he would throw her into the bargain!

  2. Such faults are like the spots upon ermine, rather ornamental than otherwise; but if any one says you dress ill, I have not a syllable to say.

  3. So long as England offers in cottons a good market for French silks, how utter the folly and large the loss of France in going to work to make cottons!

  4. Silks stand here for sample of all French commodities of whatever name and cottons for all English goods whatsoever; and England and France stand in the illustration for any and all nationalities.

  5. What are the extreme limits of the Value of cottons and silks in the case supposed, and when will a third nation be able to undersell either in the ports of the other?

  6. Looking out cottons and writing-paper occupied some further time.

  7. Anyone taking linens, fustians, or cottons set out for whitening, bleaching, or printing up to the value of 10s.

  8. This was the way the wool weavers had expressed their opposition to imported printed cottons and calicoes.

  9. The prohibition against the manufacture and wearing and using of pure cotton fabrics came to an end in 1774 on arguments of Arkwright made to Parliament that his pure cottons would bleach, print, wash and wear better than fustians.

  10. We cannot force foreigners to take our British manufactures; the demand, as we said before, is precarious, and we cannot go on making calicoes and cottons for ever at a loss.

  11. C threads and cottons and of the different needles.

  12. These are two patterns of crochet, worked with the ordinary crochet cottons and with Soutache or Lacet D.

  13. C cottons are most suitable, for smaller articles the higher numbers.

  14. C cottons can be used for macramé; but the ones especially to be recommended are: Fil à dentelle D.

  15. C threads and cottons and especially the finer numbers, are best adapted for embroidery on fine stuffs, such as Rhodes linen No.

  16. Coloured cottons are often washed in vinegar, because it is supposed to affect the colour less than water does.

  17. As the restriction also covered the use of painted, dyed or stenciled cottons it knocked out all these products for hangings, bedspreads, or coverings.

  18. There are in addition other ways of preparing cottons for embroidery, crocheting, or knitting, not to mention methods used to finish cotton yarn so that it will look like woolen, linen, or silk fiber.

  19. The Cottons were near neighbours of the Ferrars, and nothing is more likely than that a lover of books should have procured one of the earliest of the works which were rapidly becoming famous.

  20. The gentleman in the plush shorts and cottons considering it no part of his duty to show the people from the office out, consistently declined to answer the bell, and they showed themselves out.

  21. It is quite true that, if the cost of labor is lower in America than in England, America could sell her cottons to Cuba at a lower price than England, and still gain as high a profit as the English manufacturer.

  22. The bullion required by England must exactly pay for the cottons or other English commodities required by the United States.

  23. The coloured cottons wove here are blue and white, mixed; a stuff of this colour much in demand in Tennessee, is called cassinet, the chain of which is of cotton, and the filling of wool.

  24. The printing of cottons has not yet been attempted, as the stamps cannot be procured without great expense and difficulty, and the fashions of printed calico are very changeable.

  25. The so-called collodion cottons are nitrated celluloses, but of a lower degree of nitration (as a rule) than guncotton.

  26. They are sometimes spoken of as "lower" or "soluble" cottons or nitrates.

  27. Indian cottons as a rule are coarser and shorter than American cottons.

  28. Cottons of the finest texture belong to this species--Sea Island and Florida cottons--from which our finest yarns are spun, and it is used chiefly in the manufacture of fine lace.

  29. The American cottons are graded as follows: Full Grades.

  30. The Brazilian and Peru cottons are from this species.

  31. In France an edict, inspired by them, had prohibited the use of printed cottons which came from India.

  32. It introduced several protective features, the "minimum" feature, by which the imported article was assumed to have cost at least a certain amount in calculating duties, and positive protection for cottons and woollens.

  33. What carpets, what linens, what cottons can you sell them?

  34. The success of our manufacture of coarse cottons is generally admitted.

  35. Thus the cottons landed in Odessa are first carried to Moscow, and then return, after being wrought, to the governments of the Black Sea.

  36. The English merchants, always prompt to seize advantageous opportunities, immediately entered the markets of Mazanderan, the cottons of which, purchased by them at low prices, reached Europe by way of the Persian Gulf.

  37. In the beginning of Alexander's reign the old trade with Persia still subsisted, and the Russians continued to buy cottons of excellent quality, at very low prices, in Mazanderan, a province situated on the Caspian.

  38. The silks and cottons of Sarepta were so successful that the weavers of that town formed establishments at their own cost among the German colonies of the government of Saratof.

  39. The importation of India cottons was then very large, and this bill was designed to put an end to it, and, with the help of the minimum, it did put an end to it.

  40. Look to the case of coarse cottons under the minimum calculation: the duty on these was from sixty to eighty per cent.

  41. The cottons are handsome plants with large, showy yellow or purple flowers.

  42. The good qualities of short cottons are used in the manufacture of cambrics, calicoes, sheetings, shirtings, etc.

  43. There are few commodities in India which serve for trade at Pegu, except opium of Cambaia, painted cottons from San Thome or Masulipatam, and white cloth of Bengal, vast quantities of which are sold here.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cottons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.