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Example sentences for "couplers"

Lexicographically close words:
coupes; coupla; couple; coupled; coupler; couples; couplet; coupleth; couplets; coupling
  1. It may still be possible for this Congress to inaugurate by suitable legislation a movement looking to uniformity and increased safety in the use of couplers and brakes upon freight trains engaged in interstate commerce.

  2. All employees are prohibited from going between cars or between car and engine for any purpose or in front of any moving car to fix couplers while same are in motion.

  3. One Double Touch Tablet to cause the Pedal Stops and Couplers to move so as at all times to furnish automatically a Suitable Bass.

  4. Not only did he provide sub-octave and super-octave couplers freely, but he even added a Swell Sub-quint to Great coupler!

  5. Octave couplers are now provided by almost all builders.

  6. Swell to Choir second touch One Double Touch Tablet to cause the Pedal Stops and Couplers to move so as at all times to furnish automatically a Suitable Bass.

  7. On touching any of these toe pistons all suitable bass tablets are released, and any selection of Pedal stops and couplers that the organist may have arranged on the toe piston operated is brought into use.

  8. By this means it was easy to prepare in advance groups of Pedal stops and couplers suited to the combination of stops sounding upon each manual and by touching a Pedal Help, to call the right group of Pedal stops into action at any moment.

  9. He duplicated the draw-knobs controlling the Pedal stops and couplers and located one set of these with the Great organ stops, another set with the Swell organ stops and a third with the Choir.

  10. In some organs hardly any couplers at all were present.

  11. To most organs in this country, to many in Germany, and to a few in other countries, there is attached a balanced shoe pedal by movement of which the various stops and couplers in the organ are brought into action in due sequence.

  12. The Couplers are automatic and the draft gear tandem type.

  13. Automatic Couplers with Side Unlocking Lever and Standard Draft Gear, with either Tandem or Twin Springs.

  14. Illustration: Hydraulic Wheel Press] Automatic Couplers and Standard Draft Springs have also been applied, and this together with the Cast Steel Bunk places this truck easily in the lead of all wood frame trucks.

  15. They pronounced the tests of automatic couplers to date a failure.

  16. Forty-two couplers were tested, twelve of which were recommended for further tests.

  17. In 1882 the Connecticut Railroad Commissioners recommended to the Legislature that automatic couplers be required on all new cars.

  18. Forney to conduct tests of automatic couplers and report.

  19. Any of the above couplers can be used with them as may be most convenient.

  20. Here was the incipient idea of couplers and buffers improvised by practical men, and for a third of a century it remained almost unimproved upon, except by the introduction of a spring upon which coupler and buffer played.

  21. They broke their couplers and lay down, while rear cars frolicked over them.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "couplers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.