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Example sentences for "crateriform"

Lexicographically close words:
crassly; crate; crated; crater; cratered; craters; crates; crather; crathur; crathurs
  1. Central crateriform ridge, with an internal ledge and a parapet.

  2. The internal and external strata differ little in composition, and the former have evidently resulted from the wear and tear, and redeposition of the matter forming the external crateriform strata.

  3. Its bottom is occupied by a lake of brine, out of which some little crateriform hills of tuff rise.

  4. There is no distinct stratification; nor could I distinguish a crateriform structure in any of the hills of this series.

  5. The loftiest portion of the wall, which includes many crateriform depressions, is on the W.

  6. In some cases we remark crateriform hollows or sudden expansions in their course, and deep sinuous ravines, which render them still more unsymmetrical and variable in breadth.

  7. Under a low sun, some long deformed crateriform depressions may be seen on the slope, and a bright little crater on the crest of the border near its N.

  8. Sheldon of Macclesfield has seen two shallow crateriform depressions in the interior, one nearly central, and the other about midway between it and the N.

  9. Although several long ranges of mountains resembling those of the earth exist on the moon, the great majority of its elevations assume the crateriform aspect.

  10. Right down through the center, from pole to pole, runs a wonderful line of craters and crateriform valleys of a magnitude stupendous even for the moon.

  11. Now there are large numbers of crateriform mountains on our globe in the formation of which water has played an important, indeed essential, part.

  12. One of the most remarkable of these crateriform mountains is that named Copernicus, situated in a line with the southern prolongation of the Apennines.

  13. Newton (12) is the deepest of the great crateriform chasms on the moon.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crateriform" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.