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Example sentences for "crossbars"

Lexicographically close words:
cros; crosier; crosiers; cross; crossbar; crossbeam; crossbeams; crossbones; crossbow; crossbowmen
  1. The crossbars are of silver-gilt, engraved with ataurique, curving towards the blade and terminating in trefoils.

  2. The runners of the sledges got coated with a thin film of ice from which we could not free them, and the sledges themselves sank to the crossbars in soft spots.

  3. During lunch I decided to try the 10-feet runners under the crossbars and we spent three hours in securing them.

  4. In later times a cross with three crossbars has been used by artists as a symbol of the pope, with two crossbars of a patriarch, and with one crossbar of an archbishop; but Dr.

  5. At the moment of a certain difficult manoeuvre, four men had to climb to the crossbars of the fore-mast in order to reef the mainsail.

  6. Having reached the crossbars first, he stretched himself on the ropes to the end of the yard, while Holt went to the other end, and the two recruits remained in the middle.

  7. In other words, the crossbars are usually subordinated to the "=S=" shape.

  8. They are made into a rectangular frame with crossbars marked B cut to the right length from the 12-ft.

  9. The location of the crossbars A and B is very important, as they give rigidity to the frame and reinforce the two bolsters C and D.

  10. All of these crossbars are fastened together in rectangular form by means of stove bolts.

  11. The under supports of the globes consist in each instance of four turned columns attached at their lower extremities by crossbars on which rests a circular turned plate 42 cm.

  12. It has a supporting base of four artistically turned columns with binding crossbars extending from each post to a central circular plate 17 cm.

  13. The hole for his body is placed between a pair of crossbars where the equilibrium will be best maintained.

  14. On either side of each end of the overlapping ends of the crossbars notches are cut, around which sealskin thongs are passed in lashing on the load.

  15. They were thin, but, being strengthened by crossbars about an inch in diameter, tied with strong pieces of bark through holes in the sides, were able to bear very heavy burdens, and seemed calculated to live in the roughest water.

  16. This was accomplished in about three hours, and then we began to sew on the leather over the crossbars of iron on the inner side of the boat which form the ends of the sections.

  17. This was accomplished in about three hours, and then we began to sew on the leather over the crossbars or iron on the inner side of the boat which form the ends of the sections.

  18. The crossbars are pieces of flat, strong wood, about one and a fourth inches wide and nearly a half inch thick, with rounded edges.

  19. The one made without crossbars is used by the Indians of Washington.

  20. After the frames are dry they may be taken from the form, the tail end of each fastened and the crossbars fitted into place.

  21. In the drawings of the heel and toe sections it will be noted that I have shown the web tied to the crossbars with twine.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crossbars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.