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Example sentences for "crossbow"

Lexicographically close words:
crossbar; crossbars; crossbeam; crossbeams; crossbones; crossbowmen; crossbows; crossbred; crosscut; crosse
  1. When morning came forty-nine of us leaped into the water up to our thighs, and walked through water for more than two crossbow flights before we could reach the shore.

  2. So we continued to retire for more than a good crossbow flight from the shore always fighting up to our knees in the water.

  3. As he spoke the Spanish soldier with the boat-hook suddenly pitched head first into the water, a quarrel from Adrian's crossbow through his heart.

  4. Lifting his crossbow he aimed and pulled the trigger.

  5. It ain't such a bad notion," said he, "only a crossbow would be better.

  6. The stock of our crossbow was cut out of a board of soft wood 1 inch thick to as near the shape of a gun as we could get it.

  7. As in modern Switzerland, so in mediaeval Germany, crossbow shooting for prizes gave another occasion for public holiday, the different guilds turning out, with banner and music, to do honour to their various patron saints.

  8. Hence, says legend, they grew invulnerable, so that neither crossbow nor axe, sword nor dagger, could harm or wound them.

  9. Whosoever would be a good burgher at Danzig must be industrious both in commerce and arms," runs an inscription on the house of the crossbow shooters of that city.

  10. Twenty-two years before, a woman had been killed by a bolt from a crossbow in almost the same way, and in 1457 a boy was shot by his brother in an exactly similar manner.

  11. The crossbow has many advantages over the arquebuse: it kills, but does not frighten game; this cannot be done with the arquebuse, for the sound it makes alarms and frightens the game, and is heard everywhere.

  12. The crossbow is more secure and less dangerous than the arquebuse; for it has never been known that a man's life has been lost by breaking the string or cord, two things which are dangerous, but not to a considerable extent.

  13. Espinar does not mention the name of Miguel, a crossbow maker of Zaragoza, or another celebrated maker who lived at Barbastro.

  14. Later, machines were developed after the fashion of a crossbow mounted upon a small wooden carriage which usually was a hollowed trough open on top and upon which a heavy stone was laid.

  15. Thou may'st toss about for ever, With thy crossbow and thy arrows, Shooting swans upon the river, Water-birds upon its borders!

  16. Here are the crossbow and pistol," Captain Vere said; "and this is the bolt as it was picked up by my men.

  17. They waited for an hour, but the head of the crossbow was not again thrust out of the window.

  18. Most likely the man is using the crossbow on purpose to avoid attracting the attention of the Spaniards, Geoffrey.

  19. Nor can much good be gained, for at this distance a crossbow would scarce carry its bolts beyond the moat.

  20. For ten minutes there was quiet within, and Geoffrey guessed that the traitor was writing the missive he was about to send to the enemy; then the footstep approached the window, and a moment later a crossbow was thrust out.

  21. A sharp cry of pain was heard, as the pistol fell from the man's hand and followed the crossbow down the roof.

  22. Then I sped a crossbow bolt through one of his riders, cut down a second with my sword, and struck at Hossein, thinking to end his treachery.

  23. The crossbow in question was an ingenious little thing about six inches long, the bow of steel, the string of catgut, the stock and barrel of wood, and it projected marbles or spherical bullets with very considerable force.

  24. He offered me half-a-crown for my crossbow last term, and I would not let him have it; he shall now.

  25. She was very popular in her old home at Malines, and often shot with a crossbow at the meetings of the Guild of Archers.

  26. They were bearing Andreas away, and he was left under the black winter sky with his crossbow and frozen boar and empty bottle, desolate and alone.

  27. He stood as if turned to stone for a moment; and when sense returned to him, he had unconsciously brought his crossbow forward and fitted a bolt in it, and begun to draw the string home.

  28. Then it came that Dickon was between the strange lad and his pursuers, being very close to both, and was turned in hot resolve to face these murderers, with his crossbow strung and levelled.

  29. Yet he made no motion to join the others, and in the curious interest with which he stared upon the scene before him, had wholly forgotten the crossbow under his arm.

  30. Then, choosing a crossbow and sheaf of quarrels for himself, he gathered such other weapons as the smithy held, and carried them out into the open.

  31. The crossbow was audibly rattling on Dickon's shoulder and his knees smote together after hearing what the old archer had told him about the so-called sorcerer.

  32. Bide you here till I come," he said, and turning, strode off toward the open, with the crossbow under his arm.

  33. Alone with these brooding fancies which beset you, every morning you take your crossbow only to plunge into the thickets and remain there until the sun goes down.

  34. Having made his calculation, he gripped his crossbow between his teeth and, twisting along like a snake behind the mastic shrubs, located himself about forty paces from his former situation.

  35. After lingering a little in this dim border-land between waking and sleeping, at last he closed his eyes, let his crossbow slip from his hands, and sank into a profound slumber.

  36. When at break of dawn you would see me take my crossbow and go toward the mountain, it was never to lose myself among the thickets in pursuit of game.

  37. You are not wont to visit us till even, when you can lay your crossbow at a stag by moonlight.

  38. Cuthbert levelled his crossbow on the low arm of a tree, and as the rider came abreast of him touched the trigger, and the steel-pointed quarrel flew true and strong against the temple of the passing horseman.

  39. Huge sheaves of arrows and piles of crossbow bolts, were in readiness, and in all, save the number of men, Wortham had for weeks been prepared for the siege.

  40. In 1372 the king himself set out with the flower of the English nobility, and accompanied by a band of London archers and crossbow men.

  41. The victory was due in large measure to the superiority of the English longbow over the crossbow used by the Genoese mercenaries; but it was also a victory of foot soldiers over horsemen.

  42. A kind of crossbow formerly used for shooting stones.

  43. I made a crossbow out of a piece of whalebone, and did very well without him.

  44. I raised the crossbow amid the breathless silence of the crowded audience--consisting of seven boys and three girls, exclusive of Kitty Collins, who insisted on paying her way in with a clothespin.

  45. In another place he gives a more serious exhortation on the same subject "Is not she too forward and foolhardy who holds her head boldly forth on the open battlements while men with crossbow bolts without assail the castle?

  46. As to the precise number of crossbow men I cannot exactly swear, though it matters not whether there were a few more or less.

  47. It was so extensive, says Torquemada, that an arrow shot from a crossbow would not reach the length of one of its sides.

  48. The number of crossbow men was thirty-three, and of musketeers thirteen: add to this our heavy guns and four falconets, a great quantity of powder and balls.

  49. Level my crossbow at the darling head Of mine own child?

  50. But, father, Where is your crossbow left?

  51. The Moors of this city were the most active, robust, and warlike of all the mountaineers, and their very children discharged the crossbow with unerring aim.

  52. The sword was sheathed, the crossbow no longer launched its deadly shafts, and the artillery, which had hitherto kept up an incessant uproar, now ceased its thundering.

  53. They barricadoed the entrances of their streets also which opened toward the castle, stationing men expert at the crossbow and arquebuse.

  54. And Denys got his crossbow ready, and tearing off his straw mattress, reared it before him and prepared to shoot the moment the door should open, for he had no hope any more would come singly, when they found the first did not return.

  55. Again the crossbow twanged, and the bear snarled, and came nearer.

  56. You will find it above, nailed to the door-post by a crossbow bolt.

  57. Margaret quickened her steps; but Denys took down his crossbow and pretended to shoot them all dead: they fled quadrivious, shrieking.

  58. Denys cut a piece of bear's ear, and offered it with grace to him he had just levelled crossbow at.

  59. It opened inwards, so Denys did not raise his crossbow from the ground, but merely grasped his dagger.

  60. Gerard grasped his axe tight, and shook a little: he heard a rustling in the wood hard by, and at the same moment Denys sprang into the wood, and his crossbow went to his shoulder, even as he jumped.

  61. And in the meanwhile Dick Shelton had dropped behind a lilac, and had his crossbow bent and shouldered, covering the point of the forest.

  62. Here he paused, and taking his crossbow from where he kept it concealed under his long tabard, he prepared it for instant action, and went forward once more with greater resolution and assurance.

  63. Matcham had picked up the windac and went first, Dick following stiffly, with his crossbow on his arm.

  64. A sunburnt and black-eyed Brabanter had stood near the old archers, leaning upon a large crossbow and listening to their talk, which had been carried on in that hybrid camp dialect which both nations could understand.

  65. And yet it says nothing for your weapon, mon gros camarade, for it was by turning yourself into a crossbow that you did it.

  66. He is the best marksman of all the crossbow companies and it was he who brought down the Constable de Bourbon at Brignais, I fear that your man will come by little honor with him.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crossbow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.