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Example sentences for "crouse"

Lexicographically close words:
croupe; croupier; croupiers; croupous; croupy; croustades; croutons; crow; crowbar; crowbars
  1. After this there followed quite a conversation, the newcomer leading the boys on to tell what they knew concerning the Germans at the old Parkingham house, and also what they knew about Herman Crouse and Tony Duval.

  2. They waited for several minutes, and then the door was again opened and Herman Crouse came out, followed by two of the men the boys had previously seen.

  3. We met some other Germans around here--four men who drive around in a big sleigh," said Jack boldly and looking Herman Crouse full in the eyes.

  4. As Herman Crouse had said, he had been used to do some trucking for the Germans, and had likewise been asked to perform a number of errands.

  5. Then the boys saw the unknown Germans give Crouse some money.

  6. First that Herman Crouse on the train, and now these chaps.

  7. Herman Crouse looked anxiously at the boys and Jed Wallop.

  8. And thus speaking, Herman Crouse urged forward his team and continued on his way.

  9. Here they found that all of the packing cases which had been brought in by Herman Crouse had been placed out of sight under the hay.

  10. It's queer that that Herman Crouse should be up here," said Fred.

  11. While the boys were assisting Herman Crouse to the little railroad station, others had gone into the burning car and picked up such baggage and other things as could be gotten out.

  12. Those on the west side are capped by the Fort Riley limestone with the resistant Wreford and Crouse limestones forming lower escarpments.

  13. On the east side the Wreford and Crouse limestones provide the only escarpments along the stream above the Vinton community, except for occasional lower outcrops of Morrill limestone.

  14. They first took out the brown horse and landed her at the park, Mr Crouse holding her behind the boat.

  15. At this juncture a man with a small boat hove in sight and came so close that Mr. Crouse could touch it.

  16. At Pine Street Mr. Crouse waited for a big boat another hour, and when he finally found one he was shivering with cold.

  17. They took her back to the house porch, when Mr. Crouse led her upstairs and put her in a bed-room, where she stayed high and dry all night.

  18. Mr. Crouse lives on the north side of West Fourth Street, between Walnut and Campbell.

  19. It was Garrett Crouse and his gray horse, and when the neighbors saw it they turned from the scene of desolation about them and warmly applauded both beast and master.

  20. We all cracked very crouse about fighting, when we heard of garments rolled in blood only from abroad; but one dark night we got a fleg in sober earnest.

  21. John Bowman and Daniel Crouse are with us, on their way to the Annual Meeting.

  22. The brethren John Bowman and Daniel Crouse are here.

  23. A cock's aye crouse on his ain midden-head.

  24. It's ha'e ye seen how crouse and gay The lads and lasses bent their way, To see the horses act the play, At fam'd Newcastle Theatre?

  25. We take pleasure in presenting to our readers an illustration of the John Crouse Memorial College for Women, which it is proposed to erect on the hill west of the Hall of Languages, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.

  26. He rose up, pursing his face, panting at the nostril, very crouse and defiant in every way.

  27. And all at once, above the sound of wind and water, there came a wild rapping at the main door of the house, the alarum of a very crouse and angry traveller finding a hostel barred against him at unseasonable hours.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crouse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.