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Example sentences for "crystallography"

Lexicographically close words:
crystallize; crystallized; crystallizes; crystallizing; crystallographic; crystalloid; crystalloids; crystals; cryste; crysten
  1. Whether Weiss or Mohs contributed most to advance crystallography to its more philosophical stage, it is not important here to inquire.

  2. But to Carl Friedrich Naumann, Professor at the time in the "Bergakademie zu Freiberg," belongs the merit of first developing a complete system of theoretical crystallography based on the laws of symmetry and axial ratios.

  3. The foundations of crystallography had been laid long before Miller's time.

  4. P Z; and by means of this theorem we are able to reduce a great many problems of crystallography to the solution of spherical triangles.

  5. He opens his treatise with its enunciation, and, from this law as the fundamental principle of the subject, the whole of his system of crystallography is logically developed.

  6. I learnt a great deal on a variety of subjects besides crystallography from Dr.

  7. His characteristic was extreme accuracy, which particularly fitted him for giving that precision to the science of crystallography which it had not hitherto attained.

  8. An introduction to crystallography is given in most text-books of mineralogy, e.

  9. For this reason the physical science of crystallography has developed side by side with that of mineralogy.

  10. Hilton, Mathematical Crystallography and the Theory of Groups of Movements (Oxford, 1903).

  11. The earliest treatise on crystallography is the Prodromus Crystallographiae of M.

  12. Pasteur at thirty--a great man already, for already he has made discoveries in crystallography which have won him a name among scientists.

  13. Beside the hero of the studies in crystallography M.

  14. The enthusiastic student of crystallography was forced to change the subject of his studies.

  15. This was especially exemplified in the case of the Abbe Hauey, whose work in crystallography was to mean so much.

  16. Like many another advance in science, Hauey's first great original step in crystallography was the result of what would be called a lucky accident.

  17. One of the present writers studied crystallography later on with a professor who had been a colleague of Froebel's in this same school, and who himself was also a pupil of Pestalozzi.

  18. Geology and crystallography not only opened up for me a higher circle of knowledge and insight, but also showed me a higher goal for my inquiry, my speculation, and my endeavour.

  19. In crystallography a similar end has been reached already by means of certain hypothetic assumptions, and systematics has here accounted for the limited number and fixed character of the possible forms of crystalline symmetry.

  20. So in chemistry there has been found a systematic order in the long series of the compounds and of the elements; crystallography also has its different systems of crystals, and so on.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crystallography" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acoustics; astrophysics; crystallography; electronics; geology; mechanics; mineralogy; optics; philosophy; physic; statics; thermodynamics