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Example sentences for "daungers"

Lexicographically close words:
daunce; daunced; dauncing; daunger; daungerous; daunt; daunted; daunting; dauntless; dauntlessly
  1. There lurkes an adder in the greenest grasse, Daungers of purpose alwayes hide their face: Caes.

  2. Cassius they tell me that some daungers nigh.

  3. In daungers he was fearfull, and when daunger was paste, [Fol.

  4. Thë the Spanishe Carpenters sayde vnto Sandoual, that for as muche as they were nowe come into the countrey of enimies, it might please him to haue regarde thervnto, for daungers that myght happen: he allowed wel theyr iudgement.

  5. Is not the marchaunt contented with his goodes already gotten, but will needes go seeke some other trade, let him note and consider the daungers wherein the Aduenturer Landolpho was.

  6. The Duke as thou knowest, is absent, olde, and crooked, and at all houres in the mercy of death throughe the daungers of the warres.

  7. Neuerthelesse, by hunting diuers missefortunes doe arise, and sundry daungers haue happened by the same.

  8. The waues and troubled scum, that mooues the Seas alofte, Which runs and roares against the rocks, and threatneth daungers oft Resembleth lo the fits of loue, That dayly do my fansie moue.

  9. Wherefore it is your lot paciently to suffer the penance of your fond attempt, which I pray you gently to sustaine, and think no scorn thereof hardely, for desperate men and hard aduentures must needes suffer the daungers thereunto belonging.

  10. Whose fayth hadst thou not wickedly abusde No stresse of payne for thee had bene refusde, Who was to thee a trusty seruaunt sure, And for thy sake all daungers would endure.

  11. I wuld have thought that he had had summe consideracion of myn daungers that I have put me in for hym.

  12. Haue wee not red of many, and knowne the lyke that to gratifye their prince and mayster, haue into a thousande daungers and like number of deaths, aduentured their own propre liues?

  13. And ye ought now to feare more than euer you did, to vse any semblance and take of amitie, bicause there haue bene many that haue fallen the second time into daungers and perils, which they haue auoyded at the first.

  14. No delicate beauty, no voluptuous delectation, no feminine flattery, can intice my youth and state to the perils and daungers whereunto that heedelesse age is most prone and subiect.

  15. The Queenes knowing what payne and trauell hee had sustayned in the seruice of Maximilian, and what daungers he had passed, were very willing therunto.

  16. What daungers do ensue sutch like cases, examples be rife, and experience teacheth.

  17. In a controversy about the best means of preventing the export of coin from the realm, the Chief Justice had delivered the opinion that ‘For the avoyding of any suche daungers .

  18. Neither did they only vse this libertie of speache before the kyng / but willingly they offered ther bodies to all daungers / yea euẽ to most fearfull fires.

  19. Therfor whils theise men do replie / what shuld come to the encrease of glorie of Godd / or what commoditie shuld comme to Christe of thos my labors and daungers which I shuld sustayne for religion?

  20. I grant that ther are daungers / such is theyr Tyrannie.

  21. And in more laboursome daungers then Lucius Apuleus, when hee heard the theeues consulting to knocke him on the head and kyll him.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daungers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.