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Example sentences for "dele"

Lexicographically close words:
delay; delayed; delayeth; delaying; delays; delectable; delectation; delegate; delegated; delegates
  1. I praye yow enquire that matre and sende me worde and dele with hym ther afftre.

  2. I lete hym weete that ye weer wrothe, and that he shall nowther please yowe ner me, but iff he dele curteyslye with Saundre.

  3. I leyde the pleages ther fore, I thought not but that your uncle shuld a boroed them owte, and I to have had my pleages, as well as he his; never the less I shall be the warer how I shall dele here aftyr.

  4. I prey yow send me woord by hym hough ye do with your maters, and I prey yow in eny wyse lete me undyrstand, by the berer heroff, hough Bowen of the Cheker wyll dele with me; vj^xx.

  5. Also I have wretyn to the person of Maultby to dele curteyslye with Saundre, iff he woll please yow or me.

  6. Though thou bithenke thee never so wel, 2535 Thou shalt foryete yit somdel, But-if thou dele with trecherye.

  7. And many tymes I make enquestes; For me that office not honest is; To dele with other mennes thing, That is to me a gret lyking.

  8. Slepe, and suffre him that knoweth previte of hertes to dele suche fame in thilke place there nothing 110 ayenst a sothe shal neither speke ne dare apere, by attourney ne by other maner.

  9. And is to mene to men That on this moolde lyven, Who so wole be pure parfit Moot possession forsake, Or selle it, as seith the Book, And the silver dele To beggeris that goon and begge 7120 And bidden good for Goddes love.

  10. About ten, they might be asked down to the dining-room, where there was a dainty little spread, sometimes a Welsh rarebit that Dele could concoct to perfection.

  11. Dele has quite a family on her hands," said John, when she had gone.

  12. All the children's story-books were up here in a case Dele had made out of a packing box.

  13. Dele broke off a sprig for herself, and one for Hanny.

  14. Dele has a head worth that of any half-dozen women; but I like to feel some one is looking after her.

  15. No, Dele had not written any more stories.

  16. She's awful old and wrinkled and deaf; but Dele can make her hear splendid.

  17. He wes in all his dedis lele; 375 For him dedeynyheit nocht to dele With trechery, na with falset.

  18. Sir, I must give you a greate dele of thankes for the reale frendshipp you shewed in remembering me of my faults, whiche I confesse, and strive, and shalle the more heereafter, to mend.

  19. It turns out to be the Koordish village of Malosman, and the people are found to be so immeasurably superior in every particular to their kinsfolk of Dele Baba that I forthwith cancel my determination and accept their proffered hospitality.

  20. Professor Vambery, a recognized authority on Asiatic matters, and whose party encountered a gang of marauders here, says the Dele Baba Pass bore the same unsavory reputation that it bears to-day as far back as the time of Herodotus.

  21. Nearing Dele Baba Pass, a notorious place for robbers, I pass through a village of sedentary Koords.

  22. Old Sexton Grimwet kept getting considerable feeble, and Dele she took to helping him with his work.

  23. She had a way of calling back her admirers, while Dele didn't care a bit for admiration, but just wanted a good time.

  24. And though Dele was such a harum-scarum sort of girl, she was good to the children and found no end of diversions for them.

  25. I shouldn't wonder if Dele had taken them over to her aunt's, and she'll never let them come home without their supper.

  26. Oh, please do," entreated Dele in her eager young voice.

  27. But they take up with that Dele Whitney, who sometimes does the washing on Saturdays.

  28. Walter said good-night and declared he had had a splendid time, and Dele must thank Cousin The again.

  29. Dele teased her a good deal, and Nora sang: "Hurrah, old pussy gray!

  30. Then Dele and Nora Whitney were her next callers.

  31. A twelfmonyth and som dele mare, [2391] The knyght thought ffuAEsAEs long.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dele" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    blot; cancel; dele; delete; efface; erase; expunge; obliterate; omit; raze; scratch; sponge