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Example sentences for "dense growth"

  • The opening occupied by the hospital camp was covered with a dense growth of high wild grass, shaded here and there by small clumps of pinon-bushes, with a few larger trees of kinds to me unknown.

  • There is a dense growth of cedar, spruce and cotton wood, and such magnificent cedar!

  • At this moment the greater part of the city of the future is covered with a dense growth of primeval forest, the age of some portions of which carries us back to the century in which the Magna Charta became law.

  • Between the tall cedars there was a dense growth of devil’s club through which we had to pass going from tent to tent, and to avoid it we were driven to carry torches to light our way.

  • There are many marshy and boggy places, covered in summer with a dense growth of reeds.

  • On the north shore the plain is generally free from tall trees, but has a dense growth of grass and bushes.

  • The second day above the mountains we passed a region of wide prairie stretching far to the north and bearing a dense growth of rank grass and bushes, with a few clumps of trees.

  • Hyde Park was covered in ancient times with a dense growth of tall trees and underwood, which extending from sea to sea, shaded a large portion of the states of the Iceni and Trinobantes, the Cantii and the Regni.

  • Villages were built in places where, but a few years before, was a dense growth of underwood, with high trees that cast their lengthened shadows on the ground.

  • Close to the shore, sheltered by a dense growth of spruce, was a bright camp-fire.

  • As he emerged from a dense growth of spruce through which the tracks led him Mukoki was treated to another surprise by almost stumbling over the carcass of the deer he had been following.

  • Under a dense growth of spruce, where the rays of the sun seldom penetrated, the Indian boy set to work with his belt-ax.

  • Half a mile ahead of them was a high hill and between them and this hill was a dense growth of cedar, filled with tangled windfalls.

  • It was somewhat circular in outline, and was covered by a dense growth of scrubby bushes, above which appeared the crowns of three or four isolated palm trees.

  • It is generally covered with a dense growth of forest, unless artificial clearings have been made.

  • It passed through a district covered with a dense growth of brush and thorny trees, except where the land had been plowed for planting corn.

  • On the side of the ditch next to the enemy was a dense growth of underbrush; behind that brush, not fifty yards distant, were the enemy.

  • A hundred and fifty yards brought us to a dense growth of brush and briars, so thick as to seem impenetrable.

  • Less than a hundred yards brought us to a small stream of water, whose banks were lined with a dense growth of alders.

  • I crept cautiously back to my mule, mounted, and rode through a dense growth of brush to my right, until I reached the edge of the swamp, where I halted.

  • The plain at that place was covered with a dense growth of cardoon-thistle or wild artichoke, and leaving the estancia house in our trap, we followed the cattle tracks as there was no road on that side.

  • The land for miles round it was covered with a dense growth of cardoon thistles.

  • On the evening of September 9th, the sick of our division bivouacked by the side of a small bayou, in a dense growth of forest trees.

  • The space in our front, sloping down to a little hollow, was bare, but the ascending ground beyond was covered with a dense growth of young oaks which had not yet shed their leaves.

  • Then, too, such places are simply impenetrable on account of the dense blackberry vines, matted with grape vines, fallen logs piled one upon another, and a dense growth of low bushes.

  • This she carried into a dense growth at the tip of a branch of a large fir about one hundred yards away.

  • A man might walk over a dense growth of it in winter and yet see nothing but a few bunches of sharp green needles, sticking up here and there through the snow.

  • It was surrounded on three sides by woods, and opened on the fourth into a wild mountain gorge, choked up with rocks, logs, and a dense growth of underbrush and weeds.

  • The clear stream rushes down the centre, whilst the rocky walls tower up almost perpendicularly for five or six hundred feet on either side, and these rocks, precipitous as they are, are clothed with a dense growth of tropical forest.

  • The house stands on a knoll overlooking the ultramarine waters of Hamilton Harbour, and is surrounded by a dense growth of palms, fiddle trees, and spice trees.

  • The vegetation is sub-tropical rather than tropical, and all the islands are clothed with a dense growth of Bermudian cedar (really a juniper), and of oleander.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dense growth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about four; before related; coal measures; dense bush; dense cloud; dense clusters; dense forest; dense growth; dense jungle; dense mass; dense masses; dense scrub; dense thicket; effective strength; general tone; horizontal branch; hundred gulden; mixed together; money bills; mortal life; nothing but; other churches; processed foods; protect themselves; when boiled; your aunt