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Example sentences for "diabetics"

Lexicographically close words:
dia; diabase; diabetes; diabetic; diables; diaboli; diabolic; diabolical; diabolically
  1. The same applies to the odour of diabetics and other people who suffer from disturbances of digestion, and patients who suffer from cancer and other diseases involving a process of putrefaction.

  2. The teeth of diabetics become loose without any formation of tartar, (an incrustation of phosphate of lime and saliva).

  3. Diabetics are especially liable to phthisis and pneumonia, and gangrene of the lungs may set in if the patient survives the crisis in the latter disease.

  4. Treatment in about one-third of noninsulin-dependent diabetics is possible by diet alone; in others, it is necessary to take oral hypoglycemic drugs that stimulate the release of insulin.

  5. The condition is believed by most physicians, however, to be confined mainly to diabetics who have not kept to a prescribed routine and have allowed their levels of insulin to become too high.

  6. Recent references in The Journal to gluten flours and certain other foods offered for the use of diabetics suggest that a preliminary report of an investigation just about completed in my laboratory by Prof.

  7. Mendel and myself might be useful to many diabetics and to physicians who are called on to arrange their dietaries.

  8. Thiarféine is also added, as it helps somewhat to combat the anaemia from which all diabetics suffer more or less.

  9. I also doubt very much whether the statement is true that “under a diet of our diabetic foods the thirst to which diabetics are so often subject is usually very much relieved.

  10. On the same page the claim is again made that by the use of the Kellogg nut foods “diabetics lose their thirst,” a claim which I think is more than doubtful.

  11. This being the case, a bill of fare for diabetics may be constructed quite liberal enough to satisfy the palate of most reasonable persons by whom it is attainable.

  12. Certain it is that in a large number of diabetics the use of a pure skim-milk regimen results in a total disappearance of the sugar from the urine.

  13. The presence of fat in the blood of diabetics was noted by the earliest students of the disease.

  14. Gerhardt early discovered a substance in the urine of diabetics and habitual drinkers which struck a deep-red reaction with chloride of iron.

  15. There may be a slight loss of weight, perhaps three or four pounds, but this is of no moment, and indeed, Allen says that a moderate loss of weight in most diabetics is to be desired.

  16. It is not desirable for all diabetics to hold their weight.

  17. In order to guard against a monotonous diet, some recipes for special dishes suitable for diabetics are given, most of which can be used in the diets of moderate caloric value.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diabetics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.