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Example sentences for "different matter"

  • As for enjoying it," Miss Marjoribanks said, "that is quite a different matter.

  • Her father was a different matter; everyone knew his ways and would be as likely to try to change the gruff, harsh-featured man as to try surveying Gibraltar with a penny ruler.

  • As for Mary Faithful--that was a different matter, but he could not think about Mary Faithful while standing in the salon of the Villa Rosa with the Gorgeous Girl as mentor.

  • If it were a direct loan of money from your father it would be a different matter--but it is one of those intricate, involved deals that mean more than you or I choose to admit.

  • A cave man is fun to be engaged to and keep a record about in your chapbook--but when you marry him it is a different matter.

  • Now, handwriting was quite a different matter,--here I was gifted!

  • These wretched boars have been the cause of my uncle's death, and I should not feel as though I were killing them if I did it with a carbine or a musket--but with my knife it is a different matter!

  • But it was a different matter to me; I could feel myself blushing all the time; and, when anyone I knew came by, instead of meeting his glance proudly, I simply turned my head away.

  • The cattle-raising end of the trade is all right, but the market is a different matter.

  • The cathedral plaza is rather a different matter.

  • There are jungles unworthy of the name, but these vast Panamanian hothouses are a different matter.

  • The ribbon of the order is a different matter.

  • Yes, if you put it like that it's quite a different matter," said Prince Andrew.

  • Lavrushka noticed this and to entertain him further, pretending not to know who Napoleon was, added: "We know that you have Bonaparte and that he has beaten everybody in the world, but we are a different matter.

  • If it were for ready money it would be a different matter.

  • If your old man was hale and hearty, 'twould be a different matter, but he's neither alive nor dead as it is.

  • Now if you did not love me it would be a different matter.

  • Now, wouldn't it be altogether a different matter if you loved me?

  • To introduce polygamy generally was of course quite a different matter, and was not to be thought of.

  • It would be a different matter if all were filled with the Holy Ghost and His gifts; “were this so it would be an easy thing to preach and to govern and all would go on quite smoothly and well, as indeed it ought.

  • To be held in strong arms a willing captive, to be kissed by lips to which her own responded, that was a different matter.

  • But for Prudence it is a different matter.

  • But the writing of the letter was a different matter.

  • Minnie has told her plainly, it appears, and I will speak to her, and as her clergyman I should say it was your duty to say a word; but whether we shall succeed, that is a different matter.

  • It was a different matter when he met with acquaintances or with former fellow students, whom, indeed, he disliked meeting at any time.

  • Svidrigaïlov, too, might be a means of escape; but Porfiry was a different matter.

  • It would be a different matter if there were witnesses present, but we are whispering alone.

  • But you are a different matter, there is life waiting for you.

  • This was a different matter, and one to which Mr. Sharp did not object, so it was arranged that a trial should take place after the regular affairs.

  • It's a different matter to prove a person guilty.

  • That is sufficient, and a different matter," conceded Miss Perkman.

  • It is my writing, I confess; the letter came from me, but the key is a different matter.

  • As to the third house, that was a different matter.

  • That's a different matter--that others but too much can do!

  • As her friend had reminded her, a duet was quite a different matter from a solo.

  • But for her mother it was a different matter.

  • What if I did say so--that's a different matter.

  • But the third maniac, the political--that's a different matter.

  • It would be a different matter if you would take some short but interesting story of mediaeval court life from Spanish history, or, better still, some anecdote, and pad it out with other anecdotes and witty phrases of your own.

  • Fedka was a different matter: he had more success, I believe, than Pyotr Stepanovitch.

  • But she repeated the question, and he was obliged to reply: that would be a different matter.

  • But that is quite a different matter--quite;" and as if more than enough had now been said, she abruptly left the subject.

  • Where Louise was concerned, of course, it was a different matter: there, no misplaced pride should stand in the way.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "different matter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are obliged; different character; different colors; different denominations; different habits; different heights; different individuals; different latitudes; different matter; different peoples; different periods; different points; different portions; different race; different seasons; different shades; different size; different sizes; different temperatures; different trees; different types; different wave; different words; give more; having nothing; short tail