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Example sentences for "digge"

Lexicographically close words:
digesting; digestion; digestions; digestive; digests; digged; digger; diggers; diggeth; digging
  1. Inhabitants of Veleriumm Promontorie, digge vp Tin out of rockie ground.

  2. These mynerals are not so deepe buried by nature in the entrailes of the Earth, nor so closely couched amongst the Rockes, but that desire of gaine with the instrument of Art can digge them vp: they may bee diuided into stones and mettals.

  3. And they finde them in the riuers: for the king will not suffer them to digge the rocke.

  4. None may go to the pits but onely those which digge them.

  5. There are many great high hilles out of which they digge them.

  6. They digge deepe pits in the earth, and wash the earth in great holies, and therein they finde the gold, and they make the pits round about with bricke, that the earth fall not in.

  7. For to propagate, you must digge the earth round about the tree, that so your rootes may be laid in a manner halfe bare.

  8. Wilt thou go digge a graue to finde out Warre, And shame thine honourable Age with blood?

  9. Then get thee gone, and digge my graue thy selfe, And bid the merry Bels ring to thy eare That thou art Crowned, not that I am dead.

  10. They digge their grounds with certaine peeces of wood, as bigge as halfe a sword, on which ground groweth their corne, which they call Offici: it is as bigge as our small peason: there is great quantitie of it growing in Bresill.

  11. Sometimes we were constrained to bury some of the dead vnder the snow, because we were not able to digge any graues for them the ground was so hard frozen, and we so weake.

  12. The ground they neuer fatten with mucke, dung, or any other thing, neither plow nor digge it as we in England, but onely prepare it in sort as followeth.

  13. They dig their ground with an instrument of wood which is fashioned like a broad mattocke, wherewith they digge their Vines in France, they put two graines of Maiz together.

  14. Why, you coxcombe," said the lord, "canst thou not digge the pitt deepe enough to hold rubbish and all together?

  15. Then, my lord," said the surveyor, "I pray you what will wee doe with the earth which wee digge out of the said pitt?

  16. No man hitherto hath beene constrained to digge deepe for his water, or to fetch it farre, or to fetch of severall waters for severall uses; one kind of water serving for washing, and brewing and other things.

  17. Digge for the vestries on the south choir wall--there is somewhat left here, and there is alsoe a chantry under the window by the crosse.

  18. Would ye could digge around ye altare,[24] for there ye will find much black marble of the style ye call 'decorated.

  19. And if ye digge in the wall of the navis, there is much fell in.

  20. Digge also near by the Kitchens, which were near together.

  21. Search estward of where ye now digge and ye shall find much, and of the old work made they the vaults, and some are deeper.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "digge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.