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Example sentences for "disappoints"

Lexicographically close words:
disappointed; disappointing; disappointingly; disappointment; disappointments; disapprobation; disapproval; disapprove; disapproved; disapproves
  1. Matter disappoints this craving of our ego, so God remains for most men the truer hypothesis, and indeed remains so for definite pragmatic reasons.

  2. Now the Doctrine I would, methinks, have you raise from this Account I have given you is, That there is a certain Equanimity in those who are good and just, which runs into their very Sorrow, and disappoints the Force of it.

  3. His conscience would fain speak with him, but he will not hear it; sets the day, but he disappoints it; and when it cries loud for audience, he drowns the noise with good fellowship.

  4. The bush producing this exquisite fruit is like an uncouth-looking poet who gives beauty from an inner life, but disappoints in externals.

  5. The strawberry plant is comparatively free from insect enemies and disease, and rarely disappoints any one who gives it a tithe of the attention it deserves.

  6. The charm is not in the mere size of the plant, which disappoints everybody, as Niagara does, when tried by that sole standard.

  7. And the world, too, disappoints his hope.

  8. Rome disappoints me still; but I shrink and adapt myself to it.

  9. It was most glorious: but its size from some reason or other disappoints me, as it does all strangers; it improves upon acquaintance, I fancy.

  10. An Abused Aunt who Disappoints His Hopes.

  11. Fog rather disappoints his friends by his course in the Legislature.

  12. He disappoints their hopes, blights their prospects, and brings upon them the day of his wrathful visitation.

  13. The wary Trojan shrinks, and bending low Beneath his buckler, disappoints the blow.

  14. Only in one thing he disappoints me there.

  15. You know that calm unrevealing face of his--a face which sometimes disappoints expectation.

  16. Rome disappoints me much; I hardly as yet understand, but Rubbishy seems the word that most exactly would suit it.

  17. Cubebs, though somewhat similar to copaiba in its virtues, often disappoints the practitioner.

  18. We have tried it and it disappoints; it disappoints us, that most holy and blessed gift, not from fault of its own, but because it is used for a purpose for which it was not given.

  19. As a maker of theories, your German of all kinds and conditions, is the first man in the world; it is when he comes to their practical application that he fails so badly and disappoints his admirers so painfully.

  20. All this the modern surgeon disappoints with a smile and a wave of his hand.

  21. The city of Bridgetown disappoints the stranger who expects to find any exotic features of architecture or custom,-- disappoints more, perhaps, than any other tropical port in this respect.

  22. If Louis Napoleon disappoints their expectation, he won't sit long where he is.

  23. It is the nature of man to be displeased with everything that disappoints a favorite hope or flattering project; and it is the folly of too many of them to condemn without investigating circumstances.

  24. London, Lord, disappoints Washington by his inefficiency, i.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disappoints" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.