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Example sentences for "kinds"

Lexicographically close words:
kindness; kindnesse; kindnesses; kindred; kindreds; kine; kinematic; kinematics; kinematograph; kiner
  1. Light baskets and other means for packing orchids were prepared; and stores of various kinds were added, as coffee, tinned meats and biscuits; but they hoped to obtain some provisions as they went through Burmese villages.

  2. Then he knelt down before the barrel of beer, drew a jugful of the liquor and poured it on the bung of the barrel, saying, "O fruitful earth, make rye and barley and all kinds of corn to flourish.

  3. Thus the Indians of Costa Rica hold that there are two kinds of ceremonial uncleanness, nya and bu-ku-ru.

  4. Sometimes it is said that the need-fire should be made with nine different kinds of wood (Grimm, D.

  5. On Midsummer Eve people in Sweden make divining-rods of mistletoe or of four different kinds of wood, one of which must be mistletoe.

  6. The carcass was buried in a hole in the temple, and the old women gathered round the grave weeping and moaning bitterly, while they threw various kinds of seeds or pieces of food on it, crying out, "Why did you run away?

  7. These two kinds of paste were baked separately, because they were for different uses.

  8. After enumerating the different kinds of mistletoe he proceeds: "In treating of this subject, the admiration in which the mistletoe is held throughout Gaul ought not to pass unnoticed.

  9. It is filled with five kinds of grain, which pour forth when the ox is broken by the blows of the rods.

  10. In Tahiti "the first fish taken periodically on their shores, together with a number of kinds regarded as sacred, were conveyed to the altar.

  11. If any link were wanting to connect the two kinds of expulsion, it would be furnished by such a practice as that of sending the evils away in a boat.

  12. Visitors are always welcome at our plant and restaurant in Cambridge [Illustrated Advertisement] HEINZ Cider Apples Only selected kinds are used for Heinz Vinegar.

  13. The church suppers took on a new aspect, for the dietetic unrighteousness of four kinds of cake and three kinds of sweet pudding, at the same meal, was openly discussed and frowned upon.

  14. I never inquired what it was for, my childish fancy having been turned toward the aprons, which were oriental gold embroidery-work in relief on velvet, plush and other kinds of cloth.

  15. We shall have to analyse out some of the different modes of ingression which different kinds of objects have into events.

  16. There are radically different kinds of objects which will be considered in the succeeding lecture.

  17. There are obviously very various kinds of objects; and no one kind of object can have the same sort of relations to events as objects of another kind can have.

  18. In the present lecture I propose to enter upon a survey of the kinds of entities which are posited for knowledge in sense-awareness.

  19. There are two kinds of perceptual objects, namely, 'delusive perceptual objects' and 'physical objects.

  20. My purpose is to investigate the sorts of relations which these entities of various kinds can bear to each other.

  21. There are two kinds of dominion, one of love towards the neighbor and the other of love of self.

  22. Footnote 1} There are two kinds of rule, one from love towards the neighbor the other from love of self (n.

  23. These two kinds of thought appear diverse; nevertheless they are one because they correspond.

  24. In general evil spirits are forms of contempt of others and of menaces against those who do not pay them respect; they are forms of hatreds of various kinds, also of various kinds of revenge.

  25. There are three kinds of truths, civil, moral, and spiritual.

  26. Moreover, there are kinds of trees and flowers there that are never seen and cannot exist on earth.

  27. Respecting the light of heaven and the varying kinds of reception of it see above (n.

  28. In the world of spirits there are many kinds of punishment; and there is no regard for person, whether one had been in the world a king or a servant.

  29. I was not absolutely sure the darkies had not deceived me, but then a man beating the roads has got to take all kinds of chances, and I was fast learning the fact.

  30. Had I gone to Charlotte I would have been taken completely out of my way, at the very outset, causing all kinds of trouble, and this served a good deal to show me the exact size of the job I had undertaken.

  31. Besides the draw, there are two distinct kinds of leg-hits--one forward, the other back.

  32. He waylaid the doctor after the examination was over and asked all kinds of questions.

  33. It's the constant change in their lives, and their having to meet so many kinds of people.

  34. Ordinary people, common people, all kinds of classes.

  35. This gives rise to two kinds of salts, ferrous and ferric, as in FeCl2 and Fe2Cl6 The valence of Fe in ferric salts is 4.

  36. The finer kinds of steel are made in this way, but they are very expensive.

  37. With all the vexations caused them by their enemies, mills, workshops, farms, and industries of many kinds sprang up in the wilderness.

  38. Now, I must tell you that there are two different kinds of White Egrets, with these beautiful feathers that the women with the frozen hearts wear.

  39. Oh then, what a lot of different kinds of flowers there must be, for all these beaks to fit into!

  40. Then, again, their beaks are of all kinds of different shapes and lengths.

  41. The two other kinds of Cock-of-the-Rock are very handsome birds, too.

  42. The demon has all sorts of little bottles with different kinds of powders in them, one for every kind of servant that he wants.

  43. And there are more than 400 different kinds of Humming-birds, and the beak of every one of them must fit into some flower or another, and often into a great many more than one.

  44. The liberal military code makes provision for hanging many kinds of persons, and gentlemen are not excluded.

  45. Students must be trained to perform specific kinds of skilled labor which has a commercial value.

  46. Makes pocketbooks, telescope cases, and all kinds of leatherwork.

  47. There are two kinds of laughter spoken of in scripture.

  48. I dare say England will be very severely attacked in all kinds of cunning ways.

  49. In the evenings he is called upon by all kinds of seedy looking gentlemen who put up to him schemes of insurance and what not.

  50. All kinds of things used to happen but they learnt to stick to their horses.

  51. He has belted knights and all kinds of superior officers with him.

  52. The children were firing all kinds of infernal pistols and crackers, and I wondered how I should be able to make myself heard by the large throng of people.

  53. There are two kinds of oysters shipped from Chincoteague Inlet to New York and other markets.

  54. Two kinds are used: that made from the best Manila, and that prepared from pure unbleached linen stock; the sheets being the full length of the model, no matter what that may be.

  55. The difficulty of defining the word vulgarity precisely, arises from the fact that, like most vehement and expressive words, it covers a large variety of meanings, and is tinged with different kinds of contempt.

  56. It is large in comparison with all kinds of grapes.

  57. That the third of the above sentences grows out of the first is clearly shown by the contrast between the kinds of lawyers mentioned: the former promoted quarrels; the latter were peacemakers.

  58. An ellipsis or omission of words is found in all kinds of composition.

  59. Moreover, during embryonic life, both of the anthropoid apes and of man, the tail much more closely resembles that of the lower kinds of quadrumanous animals from which these higher representatives of the group have descended.

  60. Electric organs are known to occur in several widely different kinds of fish--such as the Gymnotus and Torpedo.

  61. And although such processes do not present quite the same appearances as are to be met with in egg-cells, neither do the karyokinetic processes in tissue-cells, which in their sundry kinds exhibit great variations in this respect.

  62. Monte Lupo and Capraia where the rocks, which are very large, are all of conglomerated pebbles of various kinds and colours.

  63. And, in the same way there are two kinds of shadow:--One primary and the other derived.

  64. Make her bridle, and load her with divers kinds of arms because all her weapons are deadly.

  65. A Spider found a bunch of grapes which for its sweetness was much resorted to by bees and divers kinds of flies.

  66. How there are 2 different kinds of light; one being called diffused, the other restricted.

  67. And when the fight should be at sea I have kinds of many machines most efficient for offence and defence; and vessels which will resist the attack of the largest guns and powder and fumes.

  68. The simple derived shadow is of two kinds: one kind which has its length defined, and two kinds which are undefined; and the defined shadow is pyramidal.

  69. The different kinds of light afforded in cellars by various forms of windows.

  70. Lectisternia," feasts in which the images of the gods were laid on pillows in the streets, and all kinds of food set before them.

  71. Concerning the three kinds of gods about which the pontiff Scaevola has discoursed.

  72. For if we live in a body only to expiate our sins, how says Plato in another place, that the world could not have been the most beautiful and good, had it not been filled with all kinds of creatures, mortal and immortal?

  73. Also how, having once tasted ink, she became thirsty in that regard, as tigers are said to be after tasting another sort of fluid, and wanted to sign everything, and put her name in all kinds of places.

  74. Likewise they had dresses cut of several kinds of cloth and silk, with silken puffs of divers kinds, and with fringes of pearls, and little gold and silver buttons, often of four and six rows together.

  75. The long years of weak and vicious administration had filled the country with all kinds of abuses, and the task of internal improvement was difficult enough to cause even a stouter heart to quail.

  76. This mad passion for display led to so many evils of all kinds that Urban VIII.

  77. Still Ktesias, although his writings are full of all kinds of absurd and incredible tales, must be supposed to know the name of the king at whose court he lived, acting as physician to him, his mother and his wife.

  78. Cleopatra got together all kinds of deadly poisons, and she tried the painless character of each by giving them to those who were in prison under sentence of death.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kinds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.