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Example sentences for "discouerie"

Lexicographically close words:
discorde; discordia; discords; discouer; discouered; discoueries; discouering; discouery; discount; discounted
  1. There are many mightie bridges, and of a wonderfull making, and some wrought vpon boats, as it is in Syvill: but in especiall vpon such riuers as are broad and deepe.

  2. The occasion wherefore these bridges are made so great, is for that the countrey is toward the sea very plaine and low, and ouerwhelmed euer as ye sea water encreaseth.

  3. As you come in to eyther of them, standeth so great and mightie a brydge, that the lyke thereof I haue neuer seene in Portugall nor els where.

  4. The king of that countrie which made it was called Tzintzon, and it was for his defence against the Tartaries, with whom he had warres; so that the wall doth shut vp all the frontier of Tartaria.

  5. Such is the narrative of the travels and foreign residence of the three Polos, as related by Marco.

  6. There, all maried women cary, in token that they haue husbands, a great trunke of horne vpon their heads.

  7. To the felowship of English merchants for the discouerie of new trades.

  8. A testimonie of the Northeasterne Discouerie made by the English, and of the profite that may arise by pursuing the same: taken out of the second volume of Nauigations and Voyages, fol.

  9. English merchants, for the discouerie of new trades: and hither sent by Thomas Randolfe esquire, her Maiesties Ambassadour to the sayd Emperour, and by Andrew Sauin his Ambassadour in the yere of our Lord God, 1569.

  10. Another testimonie of Ioannes Metellus Sequanus concerning the same Nauigation and Discouerie in his preface prefixed before Osorius de rebus gestis Emanuelis Regis Portugalliæ.

  11. Persia and Media, for the companie of English merchants for the discouerie of new trades, in the yeeres 1579.

  12. I was in the first voyage for discouerie of the partes of Russia, which begun in anno 1553.

  13. Sidenote: Sebastian Gabato his discouerie of an Iland of rich commodities.

  14. A Discouerie of the true Causes why Ireland was neuer entirely Subdued, nor brought vnder Obedience of the Crowne of England, vntill the Beginning of his Maiesties happie Raigne.

  15. The Troublesome Raigne of Iohn King of England, with the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions Base sonne (vulgarly named, The Bastard Fawconbridge): also the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey.

  16. With the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions Base sonne (vulgarly named, The Bastard Fawconbridge:) Also, the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey.

  17. With the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions Base sonne (vulgarly named, the Bastard Fauconbridge:) Also the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey.

  18. X2a] But if this discouerie may serue for your instruction, I shall thinke my selfe very happie in this Seruice, and so leaue it to your generall censure.

  19. Here is the discouerie of this Priest, and of his whole practise.

  20. Or else if they thought they had made sufficient discouerie alreadie, and did desire to returne into England, he would giue them passage.

  21. Sidenote: Zichmni his discouerie of the Island Iscaria.

  22. Which discouerie al the writers of our time ascribe (and that not vnworthily) vnto Christopher Columbus.

  23. A note of Sebastian Cabots[17] first discouerie of part of the Indies taken out of the latter part of Robert Fabians Chronicle[18] not hitherto printed, which is in the custodie of M.

  24. Iohn Davis in his third voyage for the discouerie of the Northwest passage.

  25. A report of Master Iohn Dauis of his three Voyages made for the discouerie of the Northwest passage, taken out of a Treatise of his.

  26. The Letters patents of King Henry the seuenth granted vnto Iohn Cabot and his three sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sancius for the discouerie of new and vnknowen lands.

  27. The testimonie of Francis Lopez de Gomara a Spaniard, in the fourth Chapter of the second Booke of his generall history of the West Indies concerning the first discouerie of a great part of the West Indies, to wit, from 58.

  28. The principall purpose of his traueile this way, was to encrease the knowledge and discouerie of these coasts and countreyes, for the more commoditie of fishing of horsewhales, [Footnote: Or morses.

  29. Aboue the hemmes of theyr nether garments, there compassed about insteed of gardes and imbrodered woorke of hearts, which now and then blowne vp with the gentle ayre, made a discouerie of their fine legges.

  30. This relation of the discouerie of Florida was printed in the house of Andrew de Burgos, Printer and Gentleman of the house of my Lord Cardinall the Infante.

  31. Sidenote: The king of Spaines resolution to proceed in the discouerie and conquest of Rio Grande.

  32. An extract of a Spanish letter written from Pueblo de los Angeles in Nueua Espanna in October 1597, touching the discouerie of the rich Isles of California, being distant eight dayes sayling from the maine.

  33. The Wonderful Discouerie of Elizabeth Sawyer, a Witch, late of Edmonton,' etc.

  34. The most strange and admirable discouerie of the three Witches of Warboys, arraigned, conuicted and executed at the last Assizes at Huntington for the bewitching of the fine daughters of Robert Throckmorton Esqre.

  35. Not half so interesting is 'The most strange and admirable discouerie of the three Witches of Worboys,' etc.

  36. The wonderful discouerie of Elizabeth Sawyer, a Witch, late of Edmonton, her conuiction and condemnation and Death.

  37. Divers voyages touching the discouerie of America and the Islands adiacent vnto the same, made first of all by our Englishmen, and afterwards by the Frenchmen and Britons, etc.

  38. The whole and true discouerie of Terra Florida, as set forth in English, following Ribault’s narrative, was published in London on the 30th of May.

  39. A Briefe and true Relation of the Discouerie of the North part of Virginia; being a most pleasant, fruitfull, and commodious Soile.

  40. I am thinking What I shall say I haue prouided for him: It must be a personating of himselfe: A Satyre against the softnesse of Prosperity, With a Discouerie of the infinite Flatteries That follow youth and opulencie Timon.

  41. Me thinkes my diligent Galileus hath done more in his three fold discouerie then Magellane in openinge the streightes to the South sea or the dutch men that weare eaten by beares in Noua Zembla.

  42. Turning over some old books recently, my attention was strongly drawn to the following: "The Lord Coke, his Speech and Charge, with a Discouerie of the Abuses and Corruptions of Officers.

  43. Charles Jackman, sent by the Marchants of the Muscovie Companie for the discouerie of the northeast strayte, not all together vnfit for some other enterprises of discouerie hereafter to bee taken in hande.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discouerie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.