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Example sentences for "disfigures"

Lexicographically close words:
disfellowshiped; disfigure; disfigured; disfigurement; disfigurements; disfiguring; disfranchise; disfranchised; disfranchisement; disfranchises
  1. Each one would wish that this hillock were removed which disfigures the beauty of all the landscape.

  2. Anthracite coal is almost universally used, so there is an absence of that murky, yellow canopy which disfigures English towns.

  3. A whole collection of mills disfigures this romantic spot, which has received the name of Manchester, and bids fair to become a thriving manufacturing town!

  4. Even those of us who repudiate theology and all its works for ourselves, may feel a shock at the coarseness and impurity of innuendo which now and then disfigures Diderot's treatment of theological as of some other subjects.

  5. The ruin of Liberty overthrows all order and all police, confounds vice and virtue, authorises every monstrous infamy, extinguishes the last spark of shame and remorse, degrades and disfigures beyond recovery the whole human race.

  6. A faint sneer disfigures his handsome mouth for a moment.

  7. No smallest sign of shame disfigures his small rubicund countenance.

  8. A disease, similar in its effect to the pear blight, so often disfigures it that it is not desirable for use in important plantations.

  9. A disease which seriously disfigures the tree is extending to New England, and the leaves are sometimes attacked by insects.

  10. A felon generally appears on the end of the fingers or thumbs; it is extremely painful for weeks, and sometimes for months, and, in most cases, cripples or disfigures the finger or thumb that falls a victim to it.

  11. Calamitous to relate, it also disfigures the margin of our Revised Version of S.

  12. Socinian gloss which disfigures the margin of Rom.

  13. A weakness in the treatment of the Johannine question and a want of clearness on some other points disfigures the three-volume Life of Jesus of the Paris professor, E.

  14. If we pass over the moral irregularities of these romances, we may discover a rich vein of invention, which only requires to be released from that rubbish which disfigures it, to become of an invaluable price.

  15. A vile whitewash disfigures the walls, whilst the fact that the church has not been designed by one hand as a complete whole deprives us of that satisfied sense of perfect proportion for which we are forever hoping but so often in vain.

  16. The narrative poem "Der Schneider mit dem Panier" is a good example of this, and is free from that coarseness which too often disfigures his writings.

  17. Near the spot where the hideous railway bridge now disfigures the street, there was a row of carts and vans backed up to the curbstone of the pavement on the left.

  18. The exemption is the excrescence called Christ Church, which still disfigures the very finest site in the whole town.

  19. He has a wart on the upper part of his right cheek--a mark which disfigures him and mortifies him exceedingly.

  20. I will read his description from the letter: He has a wart on the upper part of his right cheek--a mark which disfigures and mortifies him exceedingly.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disfigures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.