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Example sentences for "diskivered"

Lexicographically close words:
disjunction; disjunctive; disk; disked; diskiver; disklike; disks; dislike; disliked; dislikes
  1. Bringin my hands to my eyes, a terrible suspishon flashed across my brain, as I diskivered to my horror, that my usually lilly white hands had turned black.

  2. I was suddenly grabbed by the cote coller and moked into a large bildin, which I afterwards diskivered to be the Monongaheeler House.

  3. They had diskivered signs of a large party of Injuns, an' they said that the sooner we got away from thar the better it would be fur us.

  4. But we hadn't gone fur afore we diskivered that we had oughter throwed 'em away long ago.

  5. Wal, as I war sayin', I sot out with this party of trappers, an' it war on the Saskatchewan that I fust diskivered this chestnut king that I had made up my mind to have.

  6. Well, one day as I war poking about the crik bottom (for the shanty whar my ole mother lived war not on the Tennessee, but on a crik that runs into it), I diskivered bar sign.

  7. Howsomdever, when we got a leetle closter, I diskivered that the bushes wur beests.

  8. He asshoored me that he hed the utmost regard for my many virtues; but he diskivered that the one he prized the most I hedn't so many uv, to wit, that uv payin for my likker.

  9. I hev diskivered the cause uv the decline uv the Dimocrisy.

  10. I hev diskivered many things sense I hev bin in Kentucky--things wich elevated my deprest heart ez yeast does dough, wich filled my shrunken soul ez wind does a bladder.

  11. I hev diskivered that its a good thing to live under, and when sich cusses as yoo talk uv what yoo will and wont do under it, I bile.

  12. Hevent you diskivered that yoo are whipped?

  13. Methawt the Ablishnists had asserted the power we diskivered they possest, after the late elecshuns, and had gone the whole figger.

  14. I reckon it ud 'a' been diskivered long ago, ef it had 'a' been above ground.

  15. I diskivered it, and I'm gwine to work it under my name--Abe Pike's Sure Killer.

  16. I'll tell you how it came about that I diskivered this secret that's been kep' locked up all these hundreds of years.

  17. I'll jes' tell you how I diskivered this great and marvellous killer of the centry.

  18. But I fixed all that when I first diskivered this pond.

  19. You war purty well chawed up when me an' Useless diskivered you.

  20. But I hadn't been on the road more'n a day afore I diskivered that he could travel like a streak o' greased lightnin'.

  21. Atter they once diskivered whar I was, I mout jest es well be thar es hyar.

  22. I diskivered mischief was er cumin’, for I never see a critter show rathy like he did.

  23. As far as I'm aweer of, I wos diskivered on the steps of a city work'us, an' my first impressions in this life wos the knuckles of the old woman as banged me up.

  24. Alic and I had sot our cabins on opposite sides of the drink, near enough to see each other, and a red skin, ef he'd come on a scalp visit, would a bin diskivered by either.

  25. Next morning the folks got ready for church, when it was diskivered that the hosses had got out.

  26. Why I've diskivered what I war most afeard on," answered the woodsman.

  27. I've diskivered that the varmints have divided, for the sake of giving us trouble, or leading us astray from them as they cares most about.

  28. It wos only a minnit, though, while he was holding some jaw with those lubbers aboard the brig, before he filled away again, and wearing sharp round her bows, he diskivered us sartain.

  29. On lookin' for the horn I diskivered thet I hed left it on the ground, whar I hed tuk it off afore goin' to sleep under the cyprus.

  30. I kept the thing up till night, when I had n't diskivered the first sign, and not only that, but had lost the trail, and gone astray myself.

  31. There's been gintlemen here before to-day, and they must have had some way of coming and going that we haven't diskivered as yet.

  32. His enemies hev diskivered whar he's at--an' they aims ter trap him thar ter-night.

  33. His face was grim and hurriedly he went on: "But hyar of late I diskivered a leetle hole jest big enough ter crawl through--way back at ther end of a small gulch.

  34. She wasn't diskivered tell she'd been under water fer a good half-hour.

  35. I diskivered another nest this mornin', an' 'lowed she mought be able to use 'em.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diskivered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.