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Example sentences for "diuelish"

Lexicographically close words:
ditty; ditya; ditz; diu; diuel; diuell; diuellish; diuels; diuers; diuersa
  1. Vpö his face they put a visor, paynted with foule and Diuelish gestures, besette with many iewelles, precious stones, and pearles.

  2. Cortes passed not for that talke, saying that they were infidels, diuelish and wicked people, with whome suche complementes shoulde not bée vsed.

  3. But although they liued suche a bestiall life, & being a people so barbarous, yet in their diuelish religion they were verye deuout.

  4. He was poisoned by the diuelish practise of his wife daughter to Leolin prince of Wales (as Matt.

  5. They two being hereof conuicted, were closed vp betwixt two walles, where they remained till they died, the other woman being sister to the yoong man, was pardoned and let go, bicause she had reuealed the diuelish practise of the other.

  6. My intention in this labour, is only to proue two things, as I haue alreadie said: the one, that such diuelish artes haue bene and are.

  7. And if any of you will abide in the sayd isle, yee may so doe after your auncient vsages and customes, and much better.

  8. Messire Iohn Baptista, the physicion aforesayd, which confessed his euill and diuelish doings, and had his head striken of.

  9. Then did the slaues draw neere, with dart and target thicke, With diuelish fixed eyes they peere where they their darts may sticke.

  10. And as the diuell is woont to incumber the minds of men which delite in such diuelish fantasies, they said afterward, that that prophesie lost not his effect, when after king Edward, Glocester vsurped his kingdome.

  11. What a pernicious serpent, what a venemous toade, and what a pestiferous scorpion is that diuelish whelpe, called priuie enuie.

  12. But let who so list beléeue it, sith it is either a fable deuised, or some diuelish illusion, if anie such thing were doone.

  13. A diuelish knaue: besides, the knaue is handsome, young: and hath all those requisites in him, that folly and greene mindes looke after.

  14. You doe aduance your cunning more & more, When truth kils truth, O diuelish holy fray!

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuelish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.