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Example sentences for "diversionary"

Lexicographically close words:
diversified; diversifies; diversify; diversifying; diversion; diversions; diversis; diversities; diversity; diversly
  1. Nichols was using a squad of ten Navy SEALs to stage a diversionary assault on the shoreline, the same kind of diversion that had been employed so successfully by the SEALs in the war to liberate Kuwait.

  2. Right now I think we should stage a diversionary landing on the coast by a SEAL team, then use the confusion to let the main assault team insert from choppers.

  3. Three minutes after the diversionary SEAL action began, the two Hueys would set down in the middle of the island and pour out the real assault teams, one team to storm Command and the other to hit Launch Control, massively.

  4. If all went according to plan, they would hit the coastline in full view and provide diversionary fire, giving the real assault team an opening to take the two main objectives.

  5. P'ang returned from her diversionary announcement, saw what had happened, and declared, "Her way was always swift.

  6. Eisai was the classic tactician, knowing well when to fight and when to retire, and he decided in 1199 on a diversionary retreat to Kamakura, leaving behind the hostile, competitive atmosphere of aristocratic Kyoto.

  7. There is little doubt that the diversionary landing (and a repeat performance the following day) achieved its purpose.

  8. Now came the turn of the 2d Marine Division and the ships of the Diversionary Force to decoy the Japanese with a feint landing on the opposite coast.

  9. Other diversionary measures, not requiring naval vessels for their accomplishment, were bombing attacks by aircraft and bombardments from our shore guns.

  10. Diversionary measures in this particular case were not difficult to evolve.

  11. The diversionary measures actually undertaken will be described presently.

  12. He then detailed one of his four battalions to make a diversionary attack along the Tenaru.

  13. During the exercise these units again made night landings to protect the main assault, or conducted diversionary attacks.

  14. Narval did say to crank in diversionary tactics that would draw the Terminals' defensive forces away from their normal ops zone.

  15. Diversionary tactics; draw their attention to a major initiative on our part in which all of INOR has role vital to its interests, if not survival.

  16. Still less from a strategical point of view can we be certain whether a particular landing represents an advance guard or is a diversionary operation to mask a larger landing elsewhere.

  17. There remains a form of support which has not yet been considered, and that is diversionary movements or feints by the fleet to draw the enemy's attention away from the landing place.

  18. Its positive function was minor and diversionary only.

  19. Even a diversionary raid such as Rena had staged to try to rescue her father--only ten days before!

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diversionary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.