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Example sentences for "diversions"

Lexicographically close words:
diversifies; diversify; diversifying; diversion; diversionary; diversis; diversities; diversity; diversly; diversos
  1. Before my time, the diversions of Curtain Wells, though conducted on a lavish scale of expense were somewhat haphazard.

  2. Balls were then succeeded by concerts: even the gay were serious, and sadness might partake of the sober diversions then going forwards.

  3. The diversions of the place they are not in a condition to enjoy.

  4. All the diversions of London we enjoy at Edinburgh, in a small compass.

  5. The diversions of the times are not ill suited to the genius of this incongruous monster, called the public.

  6. At the other end of Scarborough are two public rooms for the use of the company, who resort to this place in the summer to drink the waters and bathe in the sea; and the diversions are pretty much on the same footing here as at Bath.

  7. These diversions were beginning to produce the result that the politic chief had intended they should.

  8. The camp was astir with life; nearly all had finished their morning meal, and the various employments and diversions of the day were begun.

  9. The Diversions of a Young Multi-millionaire XXII.

  10. From this headquarters the old man went forth to join in the diversions of his grandson.

  11. One of our diversions in the Galatea when she was at sea, was to listen to the conversations which used repeatedly to occur between a certain worthy member of the Duke's suite and the old quartermaster.

  12. He mingled, cheerfully, in the diversions of the evening, and all rejoiced to find, that his heart was lightened.

  13. The Prodigal Frivolities and Diversions of the Court.

  14. They were in a marvelous world, whose diversions tempted a holiday spirit.

  15. They did not report to a Paris headquarters when they arrived from home, but were hurried to their destinations on army travel orders; they knew none of the diversions of working in canteens or of automobile rides about the front.

  16. Saw a tragi-comedy acted in the cockpit, after there had been none of these diversions for many years during the war.

  17. In the same manner here, in these diversions of ours, blindness has fallen upon us, and we do not see the split stick with which we have pitched all those people who suffer for our amusement.

  18. One of the most pleasing diversions in Mentone is to sit and watch the flock (perhaps now only two or three hundred in number) of sea–gulls which frequent its shores.

  19. They suit some, but to those desirous of quiet evenings it is disturbing to have frequent routs, and concerts, and other diversions in the drawing–rooms of the hotels.

  20. The diversions of the women," answered Pekuah, "were only childish play, by which the mind accustomed to stronger operations could not be kept busy.

  21. He mingled cheerfully in the diversions of the evening, and all rejoiced to find that his heart was lightened.

  22. Thames, diversions on the ice of the, ii.

  23. This and other diversions attracted the attention of many of the Nobility, and even tempted the Prince of Wales to visit Frost Fair.

  24. The Town seems very desirous to have two companies, to emulate one the other, and create more variety of theatrical diversions without raising the price.

  25. May Fair opened this year with the usual splendid entertainments, and, if the managers of these elegant diversions were to be credited, with more than common eclat.

  26. The chief diversions are puppets, rope-dancing, and music booths.

  27. To practice the diversions of the field or the turf; to be given to betting, as upon races.

  28. Where there are little masters and misses in a house, they are impediments to the diversions of the servants.

  29. Always hankering after the diversions of the town.

  30. But even now the thought of the future haunted them; nor were they able to solace themselves with all the diversions of their younger days.

  31. The following excerpt from the Annual Register shows the diversions of Brighton: 'Aug.

  32. It is called 'Birds of a Feather Flock Together; Diversions of Brighton.

  33. The diversions to be made, and the large detachments necessary.

  34. If the employment of these large corps thus detached for secondary objects is more dangerous than the diversions above referred to, it is no less true that they are often highly proper and, it may be, indispensable.

  35. There are large corps dispatched to a distance from the zone of operations of the main army, in order to make diversions of greater or less importance.

  36. It has already been stated that, besides diversions to a distance and of small bodies, large corps are often detached in the zone of operations of the main army.

  37. Diversions in zone of operations, when advantageous, 222.

  38. Life is short; he had better reap the reward of his laborious and expensive preparation by enjoying those diversions which he of all men is peculiarly fitted to appreciate.

  39. As yet there seemed small chance that such diversions would become sufficiently numerous to interfere with his work.

  40. The guests next enter, take their places, and after they are satisfied the diversions begin.

  41. In 1786, appeared his Diversions of Purley, which raised him to a high rank as a philologist.

  42. Lottie, too, was a mover in many of the diversions arranged to keep the lake set amused.

  43. One of their diversions in their rambling drives was to stop children and talk with them or ask questions of them.

  44. The diversions she sought were of a serious cast and she liked those best which showed most the note of difference from Selina's interests and Lionel's.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diversions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.