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Example sentences for "dolefull"

Lexicographically close words:
dolci; doldrums; dole; doled; doleful; dolefully; dolerite; doles; dolet; dolichocephalic
  1. Where didst thou learne that dolefull mandrake's note To kill the hearers?

  2. Staye, gentlemen, and see a dolefull sight; One ledd to execution for a murder The lyke hath scarce bin heard of.

  3. Castalie And Mount Parnasse, the god of goodly arts: Heare, and behold the miserable state Of us thy daughters, dolefull desolate.

  4. A dolefull case desires a dolefull song, Without vaine art or curious complements; And squallid Fortune, into basenes flong, Doth scorne the pride of wonted ornaments.

  5. Then gan she wofully to waile, and wring Her wretched hands in lamentable wise; 170 And all her sisters, thereto answering, Threw forth lowd shrieks and drerie dolefull cries.

  6. Vouchsafe ye then, whom onely it concernes, To me those secret causes to display; 50 For none but you, or who of you it learnes, Can rightfully aread so dolefull lay.

  7. With that she wept and wofullie waymented, 355 That naught on earth her griefe might pacifie; And all the rest her dolefull din augmented With shrikes, and groanes, and grievous agonie.

  8. Wherein they may behold as well the tragical and dolefull historie of those parts for the space almost of 300.

  9. My Lady and my loue is +cruelly+ pend 2 In dolefull darkenesse from the vew of day, Whilest deadly torments do her chast brest rend, 4 And the sharpe steele doth riue her hart in tway, All for she Scudamore will not denay.

  10. But she was more engrieued, and replide; Faire sister, ill beseemes it to vpbrayd 8 A dolefull heart with so disdainfull pride; The like that mine, may be your paine another tide.

  11. Bene they all dead, and laid in dolefull herse?

  12. Then is he not more mad (said Paridell) 2 That hath himselfe vnto such seruice sold, In dolefull thraldome all his dayes to dwell?

  13. Thys poyson I send hir with so dolefull Message, as my poore hearte (God knoweth) doth only fele the smart, being the most sorowfull present that euer was offred to any fayre Lady.

  14. These things done, they carried the dead body vnto the Temple: some followed him with dolefull tune, others song the death of the kyng by note, for so was the custome.

  15. And I this floud of Teares do shead to saciate his felonous moode that is the iust shortening of my dolefull Dayes.

  16. But they that did not mind this dolefull passion Followed their businesse on another fashion, For all did write, the Elder and the Novice, Me thought the Church look’t like the six Clerks office.

  17. From Eclogue iv Melpomine put on thy mourning Gaberdine, And set thy song vnto the dolefull Base, And with thy sable vayle shadow thy face, with weeping verse, attend his hearse, Whose blessed soule the heauens doe now enshrine.

  18. Our mirth is now depriu'd of all her glory, Our Taburins in dolefull dumps are drownd.

  19. The peo- [Sidenote: A dolefull state of a quene.

  20. The terrible sentence of a law executed, vpon moste wicked persones, doe kepe vnder many a mischiuous enterprise, whiche through the dolefull and la- mentable ende of the wicked, doe driue and force all other to all godlines.

  21. Their dolefull state moste wisheth death, in dongion deepe of care my harte moste pensiue is, vnhappie state that wisheth death, with ioye long life, eche wight doeth craue, in life who wanteth smart?

  22. No cruell force will ridde my life, onely in graue the yearth shal close my woes, the wormes shall gnawe my dolefull hart in graue.

  23. Tis strange y death shold sing: I am the Symet to this pale faint Swan, Who chaunts a dolefull hymne to his owne death, And from the organ-pipe of frailety sings His soule and body to their lasting rest Sal.

  24. He could neuer come better: hee shall come in: I loue a ballad but euen too well, if it be dolefull matter merrily set downe: or a very pleasant thing indeede, and sung lamentably Ser.

  25. The sporting fish dance in the christall Mayne, The Birds sweetly complaine, The ayre, if dolefull comforts please, doth ring With mournfull murmuring.

  26. Meane while th’ spacious woods with ecchoing note Doe answer to the Bulls wide throat, The shady rivers bleat; the Nightingale I’th’ bushes chirps her dolefull tale.

  27. Straw them with flowrs: and sometimes happelie The tender thought of Antonie your Lorde And me poore soule to teares shall you inuite, And our true loues your dolefull voice commend.

  28. Alas my heart doth cleaue, pittie me rackes, My breast doth pant to heare this dolefull tale.

  29. As soon as they were home, the Indians began to lament, "extending their voices, in a most miserable and dolefull manner of shreeking.

  30. Besides those Poets Comick there were other who serued also the stage, but medled not with so base matters: For they set forth the dolefull falles of infortunate & afflicted Princes, & were called Poets Tragicall.

  31. But death the irrecouerable losse, death the dolefull departure of frendes, that can neuer be recontinued by any other meeting or new acquaintance.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dolefull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.